A TaskList Widget for Twitch TV which allows users to interact with the broadcaster's stream. Viewers can create, edit, mark as done, and delete tasks from the list. This TaskList widget is designed to help streamers and their viewers to keep track of tasks, goals, or objectives during a stream. It is easy to use, and fast to setup. The TaskList widget is designed to be used in OBS or other streaming software as a Browser Source.
- Free to use
- Easy setup
- Easy to customize
- Fast performance & super lightweight (19 kB bundle size)
- No coding required
- Customizable Multi-language support
- No third-party database required
- User features
- user can create multiple tasks
- user can edit tasks
- user can mark tasks as done
- user can delete tasks from their list
- Supports multiple languages translations
- EN - English
- ES - Español
- FR - française
- JP - 日本語
- UA - українська
Download this repo and Add & Setup a Browser Source
in your OBS or other streaming software with the local file source pointing to index.html
in this repo.
Open the configs.js
file and modify the following settings to customized the TaskList widget Behavior & Appearance.
- Get auth token from https://twitchapps.com/tmi
- open
file - Replace
with your token - Replace
with your channel name - Replace
with your username — in most cases it is the same as your channel name.
twitch_oauth = "OAUTHTOKEN",
twitch_channel = "CHANNEL",
twitch_username = "USERNAME",
: Default = "EN"
- "EN": English translation
- "ES": Spanish translation
- "FR": French translation
- "JP": Japanese translation
- "UA": Ukrainian translation
: Default = 5
- number: A value between 1 - 10.
: Default = 40
- number: A value between 1 - 100.
: Default = true
- true: will shows the user's twitch chat color
- false: will show the color you set in the
: Default = "timer"
Enable one will disable the others.
- "timer": Display a timer in the header
- "text": Display a custom text in the header
- "commands": Display commands tips in the header
- "tasks-only": Display only the tasks count in the header
: Default = "Custom Text"
HeaderFeature above must be set to "Text"
: Default = false
- false: turn OFF test mode.
- true: turn ON test mode.
Use this to test the TaskList without affecting the real task list and visually see the style changes you make. When test mode is OFF, the TaskList will work as normal and remove any test tasks.
The following settings are for styling the TaskList. Default values are provided below. If at any point you want to reset the styles to the default values you can find the default values below next to each style name.
Font Family - selection available @ https://fonts.google.com
- headerFontFamily: "Roboto Mono"
- cardFontFamily: "Roboto Mono"
App Styles
- appBorderRadius: Default = "5px"
- appPadding: Default = "8px"
- appBackgroundImage: Default = "url(../images/transparent-image.png)"
- appBackgroundColor: Default = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"
Header Styles
- headerDisplay: Default = "flex"
- headerBorderRadius: Default = "6px"
- headerMarginBottom: Default = "6px"
- headerBackgroundColor: Default = "rgba(45, 45, 45, 0.7)"
- headerFontSize: Default = "20px"
- headerFontColor: Default = "#FFFFFF"
- headerFontWeight: Default = "normal"
Card Styles
- cardGapBetween: Default = "6px"
- cardBorderRadius: Default = "6px"
- cardBackgroundColor: Default = "rgba(45, 45, 45, 0.7)"
Username Styles
- usernameFontSize: Default = "18px"
- usernameColor: Default = "#FFFFFF"
- usernameFontWeight: Default = "normal"
Task Styles
- taskFontSize: Default = "16px"
- taskFontColor: Default = "#FFFFFF"
- taskFontWeight: Default = "normal"
- taskDoneFontColor: Default = "#aaaaaa"
- taskDoneFontStyle: Default = "#italic"
- taskDoneTextDecoration: Default = "none"
- Add task(s) (multiple tasks must be separated by a comma)- example:
!task read ch. 3
- example:
!task prep for exam, walk dog
- example:
- Edit a single task- example:
!edit 1 read ch. 4
- example:
!edit 2 walk cat
- example:
- Mark task(s) as done (multiple tasks must be separated by a comma)- example:
!done 1
- example:
!done 2, 3
- example:
- Delete task(s) (multiple tasks must be separated by a comma)- example:
!delete 1
- example:
!delete 2, 3
- example:
- Check your remaining tasks- example:
- example:
- Show the credits- example:
- example:
- Set the focus and break timer for a session (in minutes)- example:
!timer 60/10
- example:
!timer 90/15
- example:
- Clear all tasks from the list- example:
- example:
- Clear all done tasks- example:
- example:
- Remove all tasks from a User (case sensitive username)- example:
!clearuser JujocoCS
- example:
For aliases, see here
add task commands:
edit task commands:
complete task commands:
delete task commands:
check commands:
help commands:
extra commands:
Author: @JujocoCS
App Inspired by: @RythonDev & @JPStudyTime & @MohFocus