MaterialRangeBar is a fork of that adds some basic material styling, as well as start and end values, values as floats and some other things. It is aiming to mimic this:
It is similar to an enhanced SeekBar widget, though it doesn't make use of the SeekBar. It provides for the selection of a range of values as well as for a single value. The selectable range values are discrete values designated by tick marks; the pin (handle) will snap to the nearest tick mark. This is my first library project, apologies for poor coding, etc etc.
Supported on API Level 12 and above for animations.
Developers can customize the following attributes (both via XML and programatically):
1.3 - Stopped pins appearing on initialisation when temporary. Margin correct even if pin radius = 0. PR to correct motion down
1.2 - NPE fixed for movePin
1.1 - Merged pull requests
1.0 - Merged pull requests to fix range bar issues and issues in scrollview, promoted to 1.0 release due to few other PRs.
0.1 - released onto Maven Central. Fixed color pickers in sample. Added ability to set pin color via XML and pin text color via XML or programatically
0.0.1 - 0.0.7 - Initial releases.
tickStart | float
tickEnd | float
tickInterval | float
tickHeight | dimension
tickColor | color
rangeBar | boolean
barWeight | dimension
rangeBarColor | reference or color
barPaddingBottom | dimension
connectingLineWeight | dimension
connectingLineColor | reference or color
pinPadding | dimension
pinRadius | dimension
pinMinFont | dimension
pinMaxFont | dimension
pinColor | reference or color
textColor | reference or color
temporaryPins | boolean
selectorColor | reference or color
selectorSize | dimension
selectorBoundaryColor | reference or color
selectorBoundarySize | dimension
pin indices (the location of the thumbs on the RangeBar)
This is a rangebar with both a lower and upper value
This is a seekbar with only a single value (note rangeBar=false)
//TODO add a full example here
- Add a listener - rangeBar.setOnRangeBarChangeListener which returns left and right index as well as value.
rangebar.setOnRangeBarChangeListener(new RangeBar.OnRangeBarChangeListener() {
public void onRangeChangeListener(RangeBar rangeBar, int leftPinIndex,
int rightPinIndex,
String leftPinValue, String rightPinValue) {
Formats the text inside the pin.
- Add a formater - IRangeBarFormatter which will return the value of the current text inside of the pin
- Transform string s into any string you want and return the newly formated string.
rangebar.setFormatter(new IRangeBarFormatter() {
public String format(String s) {
// Transform the String s here then return s
return null;
- Better instructions.
- Properly implement Map of strings to each value
Get it from the Google Play Store
dependencies {
compile 'com.appyvet:materialrangebar:1.3'
Copyright 2015, AppyVet, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.