This is the code for my personal site - - it's a static site built with Eleventy and hosted on Netlify.
- 🎨 Style preprocessing with SASS/SCSS, PostCSS and Autoprefixer
- 📦 Webpack for asset bundling
- 🌐 ES6 support with Babel
- 🔍 SEO friendly pages (including Open Graph and Twitter meta)
- 🗺 Automatic RSS feed & sitemap generation
- 💡 light-server as local dev server
- 💻 Netlify CLI for local replication of the prod environment
- ⚡️ Build-time style optimization (with cssnano) and Turbolinks for snappy performance
- ✨ Stimulus as a JS micro-framework
- 🧮 Shiki for syntax highlighting, KaTeX for math rendering
- Install and use the correct version of Node using NVM
nvm install
- Install dependencies
- Start the development server
yarn run dev
The site should be running on http://localhost:4000 ✅.
To generate a full static production build
NODE_ENV=production yarn run build
You can preview the generated site as it will appear on Netlify, using Netlify Dev:
yarn global add netlify-cli # if not already installed
yarn run netlify dev
The production site can be previewed on http://localhost:4001 ✅.
As you might imagine, I'm only after contributions for actual bugs or typos (maybe refactoring) - please don't open an issue because you think the site's content is rubbish 😅!
Of course, feel free to fork this repo if you want to use it as the base for your own site.
Copyright © 2025 Alex Peattie. MPLv2 Licensed, see LICENSE for details.