SimpleNLG-IT is an Italian adaptation of SimpleNLG-EnFr 1.1, that is a bilingual English/French adaption of SimpleNLG v4.2. SimpleNLG-IT has been developed by Alessandro Mazzei, Cristina Battaglino and Cristina Bosco. Plese cite -> INLG16_TOAPPEAR if you use this software.
SimpleNLG ( is a Java library for text surface realization in English. It was originally developed by Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt and Dave Westwater, of Aberdeen University. If you do not know what is "text surface realization", read this
SimpleNLG-EnFr 1.1 ( was originally developed by Pierre-Luc Vaudry.
Soon we add a more documents DOCS directory. In the while, follow the examples provided in the >>package tutorial.italian;<<
++ A very simple multilingual start:
- cd DOCS
- javac -cp .:./simplenlg-it.jar
- java -cp .:./simplenlg-it.jar MultiLingualTest --> "Trilingual love ..."
SimpleLEX-IT, that is the lexicon used in SimpleNLG-IT, has a specific github page: