Check out the folders here:
For container related resources check my other repo
- auger - Directly access data objects stored in
by Kubernetes - botb - Exploit common container vulnerabilities
- kubeletmein - stealing metadata for GKE and DOKS abuse
- dopwn - DigitalOcean Managed Kubernetes Pwner
- go-pillage-registries - Docker registry scrapper
- peirates - Kubernetes pentesting tool
- amicontained - Check containment setup
- conmachi - Another containment check tool
- clusterdump - full cluster export into jsons using both native and specialized exports
- Managed Kubernetes Inspection Tool and its AKS profile
- Kubiscan - Cyberark's scanner for misconfigurations
- kubeletctl - an unofficial ctl tool for kubelet APIs
- Kubectl images - Kubectl plugin to list images for all pods and containers
- Kube-bench - Checking configuration weaknesses and bad defaults, check cluster against CIS-Benchmarks
- Kubesec - Kubernets manifests and helm charts security risk analysis
- kube-scan - Kubernetes risk assessment for workloads
- Popeye - Cluster scanner for potential issues with deployed resources and configurations.
- Rakess - kubectl plugin to show an access matrix for server resources
- audit2rbac - Convert audit log to RBAC configs
- Krane - RBAC static analysis tool
- kubeaudit - Various security config checks
- ktunnel - reverse tunnel for K8s services to contact your host
- Kubetap - Sniffing and MitM kubernetes traffic
- dostainer - Resource exhaustion automation
- kubei - Vuln scanning tool and risk assessment for clusters
- GKE Auditor - Check commong Google Kubernetes Engine misconfigurations
- k-rail - a workload policy enforcement tool for Kubernetes. Aims to bring more workload oriented security
- Kyverno - Policy Management tool
- Open Policy Agent (OPA) - general-purpose policy engine that can be used as a Kubernetes admission controller.
- Polaris - validates configurations for best practices.
- Starboard - OSS aquasec tool to run multiple tools in the cluster for audit
- Checkov - static code analysis for IaC deployment tools, now supports kubernetes
- syft - CLI tool and go library for generating a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) from container images and filesystems.
- Clair
- Trivy
- Anchore and grype - yet another vulnerability scanners for container images and filesystems
- - OVAL based scanner
- Harbor - Image repo engine that signs and scans contents
- Grafeas
- OpenSCAP - Not really image specific but includes container support
- version-checker - Checking current version of images against the latest available
- Kubernetes Security Dashboard
- K8Guard - Monitor for misbehaving resources
- Falco - Real time behavioral activity monitor designed to detect anomalous activity
- Gatekeeper - OPA with audit and konstraint, its policy manager
- Kritis - Deploy-time scanner and signature checker for Grafeas, the 3rd-party artifact tracker. more about these here
- Inspektor Gadget - Runtime detection and configuration of network traffic, pods and policies
- Kube forensics
- Sealed secrets - Encrypting secrets so they can be safely stored in public repos
- Banzaicloud bank-vaults
- External Secrets - Shim for AWS Secrets Manager and HashiCorp Vault
- Squash - Microservice debugger for kubernetes from IDE
- Ephmeral containers - K8s sidecar contianers for troubleshooting
- KubeCon 2019 Attacking and Devending K8s clusters - walkthrough guide to get the basics down
- BSidesSF 2020 K8s security training - source code
- NodyHub's K8s CTF
- Kubernetes Goat- intentionally vulnerable k8s deployment
- Attacking and Auditing Docker Containers and Kubernetes Clusters - Materials from 3 day hands on training that we have delivered at security conferences
- Tools and Methods for Auditing Kubernetes RBAC Policies
- Image integrity with Notary
- Setting up Pod Security Policies
- Enhancing Kubernetes Security with Pod Security Policies
- Webhooks and sidecars
- Using OPA and CRDs for security
- K8s audit, Google's audit logging and auditd
- Setting up K9s network policies
- K8s threat models
- Threat Matrix for Kubernetes
- Trail of Bits kubernetes audit
- GKE security notices
- CIS Benchmark
- Using CAP_NET_RAW for DNS Spoofing
- Capturing all the flags in BSidesSF CTF by pwning our infrastructure
- KubeCon Slides
- Connect Kubernetes Applications to Azure Resources with Managed Service Identities
- Authenticating to GKE without gcloud
- Istio API -
curl -sL | tar xzf -
- Kubernetes API -
curl -sLO; chmod u+x kubectl
- Etcd API-
curl -sL | tar zxf - */etcctl --strip-components=1
- Kubelet API -
curl -L -o kubeletctl && chmod u+x ./kubeletctl
- Registry browser -
curl -sL -o reg; chmod u+x reg
- Better alternative to the docker CLI -
curl -sL | tar zxf -
- GCP and DO privesc with metadata
curl -sL -o kubeletmein; chmod u+x kubeletmein
- BoTB -
curl -sfSL "" -o botb && chmod +x botb
- Peirates -
curl -sL | tar Jxf - */peirates --strip-components=1