I am a Full-Stack Quality Assurance Engineer, practicing QA principles and methodologies, and quite a long time of full-stack testing efforts & hands-on coding, leading with the ability to collaborate with software development in all phases of the SDLC & STLC, including planning, coding, testing, troubleshooting, deploying, and ongoing QA full-stack automation code maintenance & delivering right product on time.
Expertise in Tech Stack:
Programming Language: Python, Java, C#.Net & JavaScript, NodeJS Automation Framework: Selenium, Cypress IO, Rest Assured, Agile-Scrum, JIRA, Xray, SQL, POSTMAN, Figma, JSON, HTML, JMeter (Backend, AWS S3 Storage & UI Load & Stress test), MySQL, PostgreSQL, DBeaver, PGAdmin.
- I’m Currently Open for an Independent contributor Job Opportunity.
- My Portfolio (https://amitsaha.carrd.co/)
- Linkdin ID (https://www.linkedin.com/in/amit-saha-41a012191/)
Working Experience:
Amar desh amar gram
Tahoor Studio
ARTMINE Bangladesh