- Shatha Alotaibi
- Alexander Kramer
- Brienna Herold
A basic search application that queries a Yelp review dataset and a Hurricane Sandy tweets dataset.
- Connects to database and both collections and shows connection process at startup.
- Presents user with web-based display that asks the user for a query string, supporting partial words.
- Response to user's request presents the user with a selection list of reviews answering the request, but not the content of the review.
- Once presented with the selection list, the user can select the desired document to view the content.
- User can search again and again until exiting page.
- User has the ability to add comments to the selected document.
Extract mongo_proj.tar.gz, cd to its root folder, then set up the database and the reviews collection:
mongoimport -u admin -p student --authenticationDatabase admin --db users --collection reviewYelp2 --file review15.json
If you are using a computer other than the lab computer, you'll need to set url
in index.js to mongodb://localhost:27017/users
and set up the database and both collections this way:
mongoimport --db users --collection reviewYelp2 --file review15.json
mongoimport --headerline --db users --collection tweets_sandy --type csv --file tweets_sandy.csv
Install the dependencies (mongodb, express, express-handlebars, hbs), then run the application:
npm init
npm install mongodb --save
npm install express
npm install express-handlebars
npm install hbs
node index.js