This is simple text classifier library that use algorythm like next:
- use pretrained Word2Vec vectors (each word presented as word_POS, so to get part of speech - I use pymorphy2)
- use clusters that pre-extracted from Word2Vec vectors. So - many cluster will present words with similar vectors. E.g. "globally" in demo script I use 2000 clusters.
- to present text :
- tokenize it
- for each token:
- get word2vec vector
- get cosine similarity between vector and cluster vectors
- set similarities to zero when it less then threshold
- get sum of individual token vectors
- classifier training process is like next :
- for each label :
- choose text vectors for text with this label
- get mean vector
- get clusters with highter similarity
- choose clusters
- use only selected cluster similarity as features
- normalize features
- initialize KNearestNeighbours classifier
- for each label :
- classification process is like next :
- convert text to vectors (sometimes pymorphy2 can't detect POS, so where multiple parsing versions)
- for each vector
- get nearest neighbours distance and indices
- get labels attached to nearest neighbours
- if distance is bigger then threshold - set labels for this neighbour to zero
- get mean labels value and store prediction
- return prediction with bigger dispersion
To use it you'll need previously get:
- pymorphy2 with dictionaries
- gensim
- nltk
- get word2vec model. I tested it on russian and used model from (unpack it and place in classifier/dataset/ruwikiruscorpora_0_300_20.bin)
You can see demonstration in classifier notebook.