#Getting started 🚀
This project is used as a boilerplate for bootstrapping rails projects. It includes quite a lot of best practices over the years and tailored for our AWS Opswork deployment life cycle.
#What's in it?
- Base Collection of popular gems and optional gems
- Base User model with basic authentication
- Base API structure with error handling
- Base initializer configurations
- Base Rspec test suite setup with
- Base JSON schema validator integrated with rspec
- Best practise to handle env vars
- Base
hook for using AWS Opswork for deployment with Chef - Base deploy tasks for deploying via CLI
##Clone project
git clone [email protected]:alex-zige/rails_on_rails.git
##Config gemset
Modify .ruby-gemset
change rails_on_rails
to your project
##Config database
> cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
Modify database.yml
<<: *default
database: {your-project-name}_dev
<<: *default
database: {your-project-name}_dev_staging
<<: *default
database: {your-project-name}_dev_test
> gem update --system
> gem install bundler
> bundle install
##Rename project
> rails g rename:app_to your-project-name
> cd ..
> cd your-project-name
Notes: make sure your-project-name is the same with .ruby-gemset
. otherwise you might need to re-run bundle install
install all the gems under correct gemset.
##Utf8bm4 Database
note: if your app requires mb4_utf8 encoding (emoji), please modify the following:
encoding: utf8mb4
collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci
and config/initializers/mysql_utf8mb4.rb
##Create database
> rake db:create
> rake db:migrate
##Strat rails server
> rails s
> rspec .
##Tweak Deploy tasks
Modify lib/tasks/deploy.rake
replace rails_on_rails
to your-project-name
Make a copy of the file .env.sample
called .env
$ cp .env.sample .env
This is where keys stored in the environment variables are loaded from for development instances, such as API keys, secrets etc.
If you need to, edit .env
and add your development credentials.
##Push to github
> git remote set-url origin [email protected]:TouchtechLtd/you-commit-rails.git
> git push -u origin
##Remove rename gem
Delete gem 'rename'
from your Gemfile
##Enable optional gems There's a list of pouplar gems listed in gemfile marked as optional. Feel free to enable those if needed.
gem "parse-ruby-client"
gem "rake-cors"
To load basic seed data run the rake task (which takes quite some time)
$ rake db:seed_fu
To deploy with the command line, you can use the your-project-name:deploy rake task:
rake 'your_project_name:deploy['your-project-name-staging',true]'
Parameter 1 is the stack name (defaults to 'your-project-name-staging')
Parameter 2 is if the deploy will migrate the database (defaults to false)
If you are using AWS Opswork Stack, please in your Rails App Layer, specifiy the bundler version to be 1.10.6
or above and the change will be applied after a new deployment.
By default AWS Rails App layer using the out of dated version bundler 1.5.3
that you would be more likely to run into SystemStackError: stack level too deep
There are open two ways of authentications against the server.
Authentication Token (Sent as a parameter)
You can access the server with URL appended with Access Token
$ curl https://xxx/api/v1/users/?authentication_token=AUTHENTICATION-TOKEN
Authentication Token (Sent in a header)
$ curl -H "Authorization:AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN" https://xxx/api/v1/users
##API Spec
[API references]