This is an Xcode sample project to help build and run Turso's SQLite fork with vector search capabilities on the IPhone.
It was created for this Medium Post: Building AI-Powered Vector Image Search on iPhone.
If you want to rebuild the libsqlite3_*.dylib with the latest versions, follow the instructions below.
Make sure to have Xcode and command line tools installed
xcode-select --install
Clone the source code of the project. Currently the vector functionality is only available in the beta branch "vector" before it becomes GA.
git clone --branch vector --depth 1
Build SQLite for Mac (this is needed to generate files for the iOS build)
cd libsql/libsql-sqlite3 && ./configure && make
Finally build SQLite for iOS
# go back to project folder and run the build script
cd ../..
Necessary files will be copied into the Xcode /Turso_ios/sqlite folder
This sample project is already setup and working, but if you want instructions on how to link the dylib inside Xcode, check the original Medium Post
- Click on the "Setup Database" to create a database on device and a sample vector table with data.
- Click on "Vector Search", if everything is working, this is what it should look like: