AML Surety Eco up to version 3.5 is affected by an un-authenticated reflected cross-site scripting.
The target web application handles error in a dedicated error page (accessible without any authentication) containing a URL parameter that is not sanitizing user input. The provided parameter value is reflected off the web application causing malicious payloads to execute JavaScript code on the victim’s browser.
- Severity: Medium
- CVSS v3.1 Score: 5.4
- CVSS v3.1 Vector: AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:L
- Version: up to AML Surety Eco v3.5
- https://<application-baseurl>/Surety3Eco/AppError.aspx
The vulnerable parameter:
It is possible to inject a JavaScript payload in the id
URL parameter
Attacker can provide the URL with JavaScript payload to a victim that upon opening in the browser results in the execution of JavaScript code.