Authentication Class for Mako Framework (www.
Based on Gatekeeper Authentication library (
====== Implementations ======
:: Possibity to define login field (eg: login, email, nickname).
:: Possibity to define pass field (eg: pass, password).
:: Possibity to define table primary key used to store on Session and Cookie (Use "id" by default)
:: Store Encrypted data in session and cookie
:: Create multiples auth areas, and one of them with their own configs (eg: admin, users, members)
====== Example How to Use ======
namespace app\controllers\users;
use \mako\Auth;
use \mako\View;
use \app\models\User;
class Index extends \mako\Controller
public function before()
if (Auth::check('users'))
// Do Stuffs to load user from DB based on primary key stored on session/cookie
$this->loggedUser = User::getUser(Auth::user('users'));
// Redirect to User login URL
// Other Class Methods