- Team Project 1: RDF
- Spatial Team Project
- Database 2 Course
- Alberto Piva, [email protected];
- Gianmarco Prando, [email protected];
- Laura Menotti, [email protected].
What is the domain that the ontology will cover?
European air traffic, in paricular we care about the flights, airports, airlines and their aircrafts.
Who will use the system?
The system will be used by workers related in this specific field.
Why they will use and maintain the ontology?
To seek the most convenient places and markets to expand.
Detailed composition of the scheme of the system:
- Airline
- Aircraft
- Aircraft Model
- (Aircraft) Manufactuer
- Flights
- Airport
- City
- Country
For what type of questions the information in the ontology should provide answers?
A lot of answer can be retrieved from this air traffic control database, for example:
- Airline: how much and what aircraft they own;
- Manufacturer: who and where an aircraft model is built;
- Aircraft: how much fligh hours it has done and how much city a specific aircraft has visited;
- AircraftModel: how much aircrafts have been produced for every different model type;
- Airport: what are the most trafficed city;
- MarketSegment: what is the percentage of flights for each market segment;
- Use-case: some example of specific queries to a choosen airline: EasyJet.
In this section we add a smart guide to explain how run the developed system.
1. Run the whole system
If you do not want to run the whole system and you want only import the serialized (ttl) files into GraphDB skip
this section and go to section 2.
- Unzip "data.zip" file into aritrafficDB folder to get all the csv files (download from Google Drive);
- Run the "populateAirtrafficRDFdb" Python Notebook (note: you need rdflib library installed).
Note that you have to run the first 3 cells and then you can decide if you want to run all the section or only some of them.
2. Run GraphDB database
- If you have skipped the section 1 you have to unzip "rdf.zip" file (download from Google Drive) into aritrafficDB folder to get all the serialized files (ttl) otherwise they have been generated in section 1;
- Open GraphDB and create a new database;
- Import all the ttl files into the rdf folder and the ontology "airtrafficOntology" and enjoy!
Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ae9L03S-O-izjrIrumInJ-431p6zqwG0?usp=share_link