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Merge pull request #2 from albertodev01/null_safety
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Null safety migration
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albertodev01 authored Nov 29, 2020
2 parents 0ad99b2 + 27f4dae commit 5a9c790
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,078 additions and 435 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
## [2.0.0]

- Package migrated to null safety (Dart 2.12)
- **BREAKING CHANGE**: Now `Fraction` and `MixedFraction` are immutable classes.

## [1.2.1]

- Fixed some health suggestions.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/fraction.dart
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
library fraction;

export 'src/core.dart';
export 'src/exceptions.dart';
export 'src/utils/exceptions.dart';
export 'src/mixed.dart';
export 'src/extensions/fraction_num.dart';
export 'src/extensions/fraction_string.dart';
Expand Down
191 changes: 94 additions & 97 deletions lib/src/core.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ import 'package:fraction/fraction.dart';
/// Dart representation of a fraction having both the numerator and the denominator
/// as integers.
/// It's possible to create an instance of [Fraction] either by using
/// one of the constructors or by using the extension methods on [num] and [String].
/// You can create a new instance of [Fraction] either by using one of the
/// constructors or by using the extension methods on [num] and [String].
/// ```dart
/// final f = Fraction.fromDouble(1.5);
Expand All @@ -21,42 +21,44 @@ import 'package:fraction/fraction.dart';
/// If the string doesn't represent a valid fraction, a [FractionException] is
/// thrown.
class Fraction implements Comparable<Fraction> {
int _num;
int _den;

/// The numerator of the fraction
int get numerator => _num;
late final int numerator;

/// The denominator of the fraction
int get denominator => _den;
late final int denominator;

// Tested at
static final _fractionRegex = RegExp(

/// Creates a new representation of a fraction. If the denominator is negative,
/// the fraction is normalized so that only the numerator is treated as not
/// positive.
/// the fraction is normalized so that the minus sign can only appear in front
/// of the denominator.
/// ```dart
/// Fraction(3, 4) // is interpreted as 3/4
/// Fraction(3, 4) // is interpreted as 3/4
/// Fraction(-3, 4) // is interpreted as -3/4
/// Fraction(3, -4) // is interpreted as -3/4
/// Fraction(3) // is interpreted as 3/1
/// Fraction(3) // is interpreted as 3/1
/// ```
Fraction(int numerator, [int denominator = 1]) {
if (denominator == 0) {
throw const FractionException('Denominator cannot be zero.');

// Making sure that both numerator and denominator valid

_num = numerator;
_den = denominator;

// Fixing the sign of numerator and denominator
if (denominator < 0) {
this.numerator = numerator * -1;
this.denominator = denominator * -1;
} else {
this.numerator = numerator;
this.denominator = denominator;

/// Returns an instance of [Fraction] if the source string is a valid representation
Expand All @@ -74,28 +76,28 @@ class Fraction implements Comparable<Fraction> {
/// Fraction.fromString("5/-2") // throws FractionException
/// ```
Fraction.fromString(String value) {
// Checking the format of the string
if ((!_fractionRegex.hasMatch(value)) || (value.contains('/-'))) {
throw FractionException('The string $value is not a valid fraction');

// Remove the leading + if present
var fraction = value.replaceAll('+', '').trim();
var fraction = value.replaceAll('+', '');

// Look for the / separator
var barPos = fraction.indexOf('/');

if (barPos == -1) {
_num = int.parse(fraction);
_den = 1;
numerator = int.parse(fraction);
denominator = 1;
} else {
final den = int.parse(fraction.substring(barPos + 1));

if (den == 0) throw const FractionException('Denominator cannot be zero');

_num = int.parse(fraction.substring(0, barPos));
_den = den;

// Fixing the sign of numerator and denominator
numerator = int.parse(fraction.substring(0, barPos));
denominator = den;

Expand All @@ -107,12 +109,13 @@ class Fraction implements Comparable<Fraction> {
/// Fraction.fromDouble(3.8) // represented as 19/5
/// ```
/// Note that irrational numbers can **not** be represented as a fraction, so
/// Note that irrational numbers can **not** be represented as fractions, so
/// if you try to use this method on π (3.1415...) you won't get a valid result.
/// ```dart
/// Fraction.fromDouble(math.pi)
/// ```
/// The above returns a fraction because it considers only the first 10 decimal
/// places since `precision` is set to 1.0E-10.
Expand All @@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ class Fraction implements Comparable<Fraction> {
/// irrational numbers cannot be expressed as fractions.
/// This method is good with rational numbers.
Fraction.fromDouble(double value, [double precision = 1.0E-10]) {
Fraction.fromDouble(double value, {double precision = 1.0E-10}) {

Expand All @@ -148,16 +151,20 @@ class Fraction implements Comparable<Fraction> {
y = 1 / (y - a);
} while ((x - h1 / k1).abs() > x * limit);

_num = mul * h1.toInt();
_den = k1.toInt();
// Assigning the computed values
numerator = mul * h1.toInt();
denominator = k1.toInt();

/// Converts a [MixedFraction] into a [Fraction]
/// Converts a [MixedFraction] into a [Fraction].
Fraction.fromMixedFraction(MixedFraction mixed) {
_num = mixed.whole * mixed.denominator + mixed.numerator;
_den = mixed.denominator;

if (mixed.isNegative) _num *= -1;
if (mixed.isNegative) {
numerator = (mixed.whole * mixed.denominator + mixed.numerator) * -1;
denominator = mixed.denominator;
} else {
numerator = mixed.whole * mixed.denominator + mixed.numerator;
denominator = mixed.denominator;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,52 +197,38 @@ class Fraction implements Comparable<Fraction> {
int get hashCode {
var result = 83;
result = 31 * result + _num.hashCode;
result = 31 * result + _den.hashCode;
result = 31 * result + numerator.hashCode;
result = 31 * result + denominator.hashCode;
return result;

String toString() {
if (_den == 1) return "$_num";

return "$_num/$_den";

/// A floating point representation of the fraction
double toDouble() => _num / _den;

/// Tries to convert this fraction into a [MixedFraction]. The process fails
/// if the numerator is greater than the denominator
MixedFraction toMixedFraction() {
if (numerator > denominator) {
return MixedFraction(_num ~/ _den, _num % _den, denominator);

return null;

int compareTo(Fraction other) {
// I don't perform == on floating point values because it's not reliable.
// Instead, '>' and '<' are more reliable in terms of machine precision so
// 0 is just a fallback.
if (toDouble() < other.toDouble()) return -1;

if (toDouble() > other.toDouble()) return 1;

return 0;

/// Having a negative denominator is not convenient; if it's the case, the sign
/// is removed.
/// For example, with this method, a fraction in the form "1/-3" is converted
/// into "-1/3" so that the minus is assigned to the numerator.
void _fixSign() {
if (_den < 0) {
_num *= -1;
_den *= -1;
String toString() {
if (denominator == 1) return "$numerator";

return "$numerator/$denominator";

/// A floating point representation of the fraction.
double toDouble() => numerator / denominator;

/// Converts the current object into a [MixedFraction].
MixedFraction toMixedFraction() => MixedFraction(
whole: numerator ~/ denominator,
numerator: numerator % denominator,
denominator: denominator);

/// Throws a [FractionException] whether [value] is infinite or NaN.
void _checkValue(num value) {
if ((value.isNaN) || (value.isInfinite)) {
throw const FractionException('NaN and Infinite are not allowed.');
Expand All @@ -248,73 +241,77 @@ class Fraction implements Comparable<Fraction> {
return (rem == 0) ? b : _gcd(b, rem);

/// Swaps the numerator and the denominator
void inverse() {
final temp = _num;
_num = _den;
_den = temp;
/// The numerator and the denominator of the current object are swapped and
/// returned in a new [Fraction] instance.
Fraction inverse() => Fraction(denominator, numerator);

/// The sign of the current object is changed and the result is returned in a
/// new [Fraction] instance.
Fraction negate() => Fraction(numerator * -1, denominator);

/// True or false whether the fraction is positive or negative.
bool get isNegative => numerator < 0;

/// Changes the sign of the fraction
void negate() => _num *= -1;
/// True of false whether the fraction is whole (which is when the denominator
/// is 1).
bool get isWhole => denominator == 1;

/// True or false whether the fraction is positive or negative
bool get isNegative => _num < 0;
/// Reduces the current object to the lowest terms and returns the result in a
/// new [Fraction] instance.
Fraction reduce() {
// Storing the sign for later use
final sign = (numerator < 0) ? -1 : 1;

/// Reduces the fraction to the lowest terms
void reduce() {
final sign = (_num < 0) ? -1 : 1;
var lgcd = _gcd(_num, _den);
// Calculating the gcd for reduction
var lgcd = _gcd(numerator, denominator);

_num = (_num * sign) ~/ lgcd;
_den = (_den * sign) ~/ lgcd;
final num = (numerator * sign) ~/ lgcd;
final den = (denominator * sign) ~/ lgcd;

// Safety fix
// Building the reduced fraction
return Fraction(num, den);

/// Sum between two fractions
/// Sum between two fractions.
Fraction operator +(Fraction other) {
return Fraction(
numerator * other.denominator + denominator * other.numerator,
denominator * other.denominator);

/// Difference between two fractions
/// Difference between two fractions.
Fraction operator -(Fraction other) {
return Fraction(
numerator * other.denominator - denominator * other.numerator,
denominator * other.denominator);

/// Multiplication between two fractions
/// Multiplication between two fractions.
Fraction operator *(Fraction other) {
return Fraction(
numerator * other.numerator, denominator * other.denominator);

/// Division between two fractions
/// Division between two fractions.
Fraction operator /(Fraction other) {
return Fraction(
numerator * other.denominator, denominator * other.numerator);

/// Check if this fraction is equal or greater than the other
/// Checks whether this fraction is greater or equal than the other.
bool operator >=(Fraction other) => toDouble() >= other.toDouble();

/// Check if this fraction is greater than the other
/// Checks whether this fraction is greater than the other.
bool operator >(Fraction other) => toDouble() > other.toDouble();

/// Check if this fraction is equal or smaller than the other
/// Checks whether this fraction is smaller or equal than the other.
bool operator <=(Fraction other) => toDouble() <= other.toDouble();

/// Check if this fraction is smaller than the other
bool operator <(Fraction other) => toDouble() >= other.toDouble();
/// Checks whether this fraction is smaller than the other.
bool operator <(Fraction other) => toDouble() < other.toDouble();

/// Access numerator or denominator by giving an index. In particular, ´0´
/// refers to the numerator while ´1´ to the denominator.
/// Access numerator or denominator via index. In particular, ´0´ refers to
/// the numerator while ´1´ to the denominator.
int operator [](int index) {
if (index == 0) {
return numerator;
Expand All @@ -324,7 +321,7 @@ class Fraction implements Comparable<Fraction> {
return denominator;

throw FractionException("The index you gave ($index) is not valid: it must "
"be either 0 or 1.");
throw FractionException('The index you gave ($index) is not valid: it must '
'be either 0 or 1.');
25 changes: 0 additions & 25 deletions lib/src/exceptions.dart

This file was deleted.


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