DB2Code is a tool designed to facilitate the generation of files from JDBC Metadata. This project streamlines the process of loading metadata into objects and then utilizing these objects within Mustache templates to generate the desired output. It's an ideal solution for developers looking to automate and simplify their database related code generation processes. The default use case as in below diagram:
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 11, or above
- Maven 3
You can use DB2Code in two ways at the moment.
- As command line tool
- As Maven plugin
Consult GPT bot about usage: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-esRxvHhLr-dbtocode-gpt
Look into distr directory. Follow README.md in it Configuration params is same as for Maven plugin, scroll down to find more details
Modify your pom.xml as bellow and adjust necessary parameters:
<jdbcUrl>jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM '${project.basedir}/init.sql'</jdbcUrl>
Optionally if you need to attach generated code to your source code add this:
- jdbcUrl
- jdbcClassName
- jdbcUser
- jdbcPassword
- extractionParameters exactly as in DatabaseMetadata.getTables
- schemaPattern supports %_, can be blank
- catalog can be blank, mostly it's database
- tableNamePattern supports %_, can be blank, selects all tables
- exportFile file to export metadata, which later can be imported from that file, instead of fetching from DB
- importFile metadata file previously exported with exportFile, which can be used as source of metadata
- baseDir where to output generated source, can be ${project.baseDir}
- generatorStrategy how generator manages outputs, into single file or multiple per table files. Options: SINGLE_FILE or CLASS_PER_TABLE, default to CLASS_PER_TABLE.
- singleResultName the name of the output generated file if generatorStrategy is SINGLE_FILE. Otherwise ignored.
- targetFolder where to put sources under baseDir, can be target/generated-sources
- targetPackage what package should be used for generated classes
- ext extension for generated files, defaults to .java
- dateImpl what java date implementation should be used: UTIL_DATE or LOCAL_DATE
- typeMapFile type mapping file to use. Default is /type-mappings/java-type-map.properties. There is available dbml-type-map.properties file on same location, or you can define your own.
- includeGenerationInfo should info about generation be included? Defaults to false
- doNotGenerateTables list of tables to be not generated. Can be regexp.
- prefix prefix to be added to generated classes. For CLASS_PER_TABLE strategy.
- suffix suffix to be added to generated classes. For CLASS_PER_TABLE strategy.
- templatingProviderClass class to be used for templating. Implementation of org.db2code.generator.java.pojo.TemplatingProvider . Default is org.db2code.generator.java.pojo.MustacheTemplatingProvider . org.db2code.generator.freemarker.FreemarkerTemplatingProvider is also available, you'll need to add dependency to it(org.db2code:freemarker-templating-provider).
You can customize generation template, by providing templates list:
Currently built-in templates are: pojo.mustache, spring-data.mustache, dbml.mustache . You can provide your own template:
Do not generate example, tables ending 3, will not be generated:
You can provide multiple executions with different id's to select from different schemas, providing different templates or some other config options.
Check https://github.com/alberlau/DB2Code/tree/master/java-pojo-generator-mojo-example and see example usage.
To see what is exposed into model, check: https://github.com/alberlau/DB2Code/tree/master/core/src/main/java/org/db2code/rawmodel classes along with adapter class: https://github.com/alberlau/DB2Code/blob/master/java-pojo-generator/src/main/java/org/db2code/generator/java/pojo/adapter/JavaClassAdapter.java
To exportMetadata, add to configuration/extractionParameters exportFile
<jdbcUrl>jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;INIT=RUNSCRIPT FROM '${project.basedir}/init.sql'</jdbcUrl>
Above can be added under separate maven profile.
Then metadata file can be imported with such execution:
Bellow is reference of attributes which can be used in mustache templates. Most of them is converted directly from JDBC DatabaseMetadata available result sets. For example TABLE_SCHEM in metadata result set is available as tableSchem attribute to be used in mustache template.
- Boolean isLast common property for objects, which can be contained in list, to indicate if it is last
- String tableCat - common for raw jdbc objects
- String tableSchem - common for raw jdbc objects
- String tableName - common for raw jdbc objects
- package
- className
- isTable
- isView
- properties
- isInTable
- isInView
- isNameEqualsId
- rawColumn - Data grabbed from ResultSetMetadata.getColumns Consult JDBC javadoc: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/sql/DatabaseMetaData.html#getColumns-java.lang.String-java.lang.String-java.lang.String-java.lang.String-
- tableCat, tableSchem, tableName
- String columnName
- Integer dataType
- String typeName
- Integer columnSize
- Integer decimalDigits
- Integer numPrecRadix
- Integer nullable
- String remarks
- String columnDef
- Integer sqlDataType
- Integer sqlDatetimeSub
- Integer charOctetLength
- Integer ordinalPosition
- String isNullable
- propertyType as resolved using typeMapFile configuration
- propertyName
- methodName
- isId
- isNullable
- size
- generationInfo
- rawTable
- tableCat, tableSchem, tableName, isLast
- String tableType
- String remarks
- String typeCat
- String typeSchem
- String typeName
- String selfReferencingColName
- String refGeneration
- Collection columns
- see properties.rawColumn above
- Collection primaryKey
- tableCat, tableSchem, tableName, isLast
- columnName
- keySeq
- pkName
- tableCat, tableSchem, tableName, isLast
- Collection foreignKeys
- String pktableCat
- String pktableSchem
- String pktableName
- String pkcolumnName
- String fktableCat
- String fktableSchem
- String fktableName
- String fkcolumnName
- int keySeq
- Integer updateRule
- Integer deleteRule
- String fkName
- String pkName
- Integer deferrability
- Boolean isLast
- rawProcedure in case of procedure
- procedureCat
- procedureSchem
- procedureName
- remarks
- procedureType
- specificName
- isLast
- parameters
- rawParameter
- procedureCat
- procedureSchem
- procedureName
- isLast
- columnName
- columnType
- dataType
- typeName
- precision
- length
- scale
- radix
- nullable
- remarks
- columnDef
- charOctetLength
- ordinalPosition
- isNullable
- specificName
- sqlDataType
- sqlDatetimeSub
- position
- name , adapted, camelcase
- type , as resolved by type mapper
- isInput as per jdbc COLUMN_TYPE 1 OR 2
- isOutput as per jdbc COLUMN_TYPE 2 OR 3
- isInputOutput as per jdbc COLUMN_TYPE 3
- isReturn as per jdbc COLUMN_TYPE 4
- isResult as per jdbc COLUMN_TYPE 5
- isLast
- rawParameter
- parameters in case of procedure
- singleParameterReturn , parameter in case of procedure
- inputParameters in case of procedure
- targetPackage
- classes - see above all CLASS_PER_TABLE object is exposed
- rawDatabaseMetadata
- tables , list, see rawTable
- procedures , list of procedures extracted, see above what is marked: "in case of procedure"
- databaseProductName
- databaseProductVersion
- params - config params passed, see ExecutorParams class for all