A C++ program (Linux and Windows) to encrypt/decrypt (without the usual limitations)
Multiple encryption keys for one message to encrypt.
[Keys extracted from a puzzle question-answer]. [Keys extracted from local common file shared between 2 parties (like USB keys), public web files, public video web files (using youtube-dl), user/password protected ftp files]. [Embedded random keys automatically generated and protected by public/private RSA or ECC keys]. [Historical hash keys].
Multiple encryption algorithms for one message to encrypt.
Deep recursive and cascading encryption [so can use many lower bits key size if needed]
Unlimited encryption keys size!
Allow perfect secrecy:
Shannon's work on information theory showed that to achieve so-called 'perfect secrecy', the key length must be at least as large as the message and only used once (this algorithm is called the one-time pad).
Example, encodes a file into an encrypted file
./crypto encode -h Usage: encode [-h] [--cfg VAR] [--auto VAR] [--input VAR] [--output VAR] [--puzzle VAR] [--qapuzzle VAR] [--fullpuzzle VAR] [--url VAR] [--staging VAR] [--local VAR] [--rsapriv VAR] [--rsapub VAR] [--eccpriv VAR] [--eccpub VAR] [--histopriv VAR] [--histopub VAR] [--keep VAR] [--keyfactor VAR] [--known_ftp_server VAR] [--encryped_ftp_user VAR] [--encryped_ftp_pwd VAR] [--gmp VAR] [--selftest VAR] [--shuffle VAR] Encodes a file into an encrypted file Optional arguments: -h, --help shows help message and exits -v, --version prints version information and exits -cfg, --cfg specify a config file. [default: ""] -a, --auto auto export public/status keys with the encrypted data (ex: -a 1) [default: ""] -i, --input specify the input file. [default: ""] -o, --output specify the output encrypted file (default to .encrypted) [default: ""] -png, --png convert encrypted file to an image png file (ex: -png 1) [default: ""] -p, --puzzle specify the input (optional) puzzle file. [default: ""] -q, --qapuzzle specify the output qa puzzle file (default to .qa) [default: ""] -f, --fullpuzzle specify the output (optional) full puzzle file. [default: ""] -u, --url specify the (optional input) url list file. [default: ""] -s, --staging specify the staging folder. [default: ""] -l, --local specify the local folder of known contents. [default: ""] -rpv, --rsapriv specify my private folder for rsa*.db [default: ""] -rpu, --rsapub specify the other public folder for rsa*.db [default: ""] -epv, --eccpriv specify my private folder for private ecc*.db [default: ""] -epu, --eccpub specify the other public folder for public ecc*.db [default: ""] -hpv, --histopriv specify the private folder for historical hashes [default: ""] -hpu, --histopub specify the other public folder for historical hashes [default: ""] -wbaespv, --wbaespv specify the private folder for whitbox aes 512-32768 bits tables [default: ""] -wbaespu, --wbaespu specify the other public folder for whitbox aes 512-32768 bits tables [default: ""] -v, --verbose specify the verbose [default: ""] -k, --keep specify if keeping staging file [default: ""] -x, --keyfactor specify a key_size_factor, this multiply the key size by the factor [default: "1"] -fs, --known_ftp_server specify list of ftp protected server [default: ""] -fu, --encryped_ftp_user specify list of ftp username (encrypted with string_encode) [default: ""] -fp, --encryped_ftp_pwd specify list of ftp password (encrypted with string_encode) [default: ""] -g, --gmp use gmp [default: ""] -t, --selftest encryption selftest [default: ""] -sh, --shuffle specify pre encryption shuffling percentage of data 0-100 [default: "0"] Output example: MESSAGE is 128556 bytes Encoding salsa20 , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (64 bytes): 2009, number of keys (32 bytes): 504, shuffling: 0% Encoding AES 128 ECB , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (16 bytes): 8116, number of keys (16 bytes): 1008, shuffling: 0% Encoding AES 128 CFB , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (16 bytes): 8196, number of keys (16 bytes): 1008, shuffling: 0% Encoding AES 256 CBC , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (32 bytes): 4138, number of keys (32 bytes): 504, shuffling: 0% Encoding Whitebox AES 2048 , number of rounds : 1, block of size: 133696, number of blocks: 1, shuffling perc: 0% Encoding AES 256 CFB , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (32 bytes): 4218, number of keys (32 bytes): 504, shuffling: 0% Encoding Whitebox AES 16384 , number of rounds : 1, block of size: 136256, number of blocks: 1, shuffling perc: 0% Encoding salsa20 , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (64 bytes): 2149, number of keys (32 bytes): 504, shuffling: 0% Encoding idea , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (8 bytes): 17352, number of keys (16 bytes): 1008, shuffling: 0% Encoding AES 128 CBC , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (16 bytes): 8756, number of keys (16 bytes): 1008, shuffling: 0% Encoding AES 128 ECB , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (16 bytes): 8836, number of keys (16 bytes): 1008, shuffling: 0% Encoding AES 128 CFB , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (16 bytes): 8916, number of keys (16 bytes): 1008, shuffling: 0% Encoding Whitebox AES 2048 , number of rounds : 1, block of size: 143936, number of blocks: 1, shuffling perc: 0% Encoding AES 256 ECB , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (32 bytes): 4538, number of keys (32 bytes): 504, shuffling: 0% Encoding Whitebox AES 16384 , number of rounds : 1, block of size: 146496, number of blocks: 1, shuffling perc: 0% Encoding twofish , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (16 bytes): 9236, number of keys (16 bytes): 1008, shuffling: 0% Encoding salsa20 , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (64 bytes): 2329, number of keys (32 bytes): 504, shuffling: 0% Encoding idea , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (8 bytes): 18792, number of keys (16 bytes): 1008, shuffling: 0% Encoding AES 128 CBC , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (16 bytes): 9476, number of keys (16 bytes): 1008, shuffling: 0% Encoding AES 128 ECB , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (16 bytes): 9556, number of keys (16 bytes): 1008, shuffling: 0% Encoding Whitebox AES 2048 , number of rounds : 1, block of size: 154176, number of blocks: 1, shuffling perc: 0% Encoding AES 256 CBC , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (32 bytes): 4858, number of keys (32 bytes): 504, shuffling: 0% Encoding Whitebox AES 16384 , number of rounds : 1, block of size: 156736, number of blocks: 1, shuffling perc: 0% Encoding AES 256 CFB , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (32 bytes): 4938, number of keys (32 bytes): 504, shuffling: 0% Encoding salsa20 , number of rounds : 1, number of blocks (64 bytes): 2490, number of keys (32 bytes): 4, shuffling: 0% CRYPTO ENCODING SUCCESS Encrypted file: msg.zip.encrypted Puzzle file : default Elapsed time in seconds: 49 sec
Example of msg.crypto:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // *.crypto file available! // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // crypto encode -p puzzle.txt -i msg.zip -o msg.zip.encrypted -f puzzle.txt.full -q puzzle_qa.txt -u ./urls.txt -v 1 -l ./AL_SAM/ // crypto pack -q puzzle_qa.txt -i msg.zip.encrypted -o msg.crypto -k alain -ht alain // // crypto unpack -q puzzle_qa.txt -o msg.zip.encrypted -i msg.crypto -k alain // crypto decode -i msg.zip.encrypted -o msg.zip -p puzzle_qa.txt -v 1 -l ./AL_SAM/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Videos describing the project:
https://odysee.com/@C++_alanthier:0/screenshot-from-2023-02-20-22-10-02_qpG2gyJg:c https://odysee.com/@C++_alanthier:0/screenshot-from-2023-02-09-21-50-13_uIWWm6KM:1 One-Time Pad Cipher (Perfect Security) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5Yrk6LHM2w
Current set of encryption algorithms
Binary DES Binary AES 128 bits ecb Binary AES 128 bits cbc Binary AES 128 bits cfb Binary AES 256 bits ecb Binary AES 256 bits cbc Binary AES 256 bits cfb TWOFISH Salsa20 IDEA RSA (2 primes and 3+ primes)* Recursive RSA Shuffling Elliptic Curve Recursive Elliptic Curve WhiteBox (against compromise environment) AES 512 bits to AES 32768 bits! *[the security of Multi-prime (3+) RSA is undeniably better than the standard RSA]
Recursive RSA (and Recursive Elliptic Curve):
WhiteBox (against compromise environment) AES 512 bits to AES 32768 bits!
There are two practical methods to mitigate code lifting attacks:
1.external encodings (external encoding is extracted from a generate file of random numbers) 2.large size of implementation which is beyond an attacker's processing capacity to copy and distribute the software's functionality (use many rounds of big keys like AES 32768+ bits)
Example of urls.txt:
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Encoding commands, msg.zip.encrypted file to be send to the recipient (sam): ; crypto encode -u urls.txt -g 1 -v 1 -i msg.zip -l ./sam/local/ -r ./sam/ -x 3 -epu ./sam/ -epv ./me/ ; or ; crypto encode -cfg ./cfg.ini -v 1 -a 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Decoding commands for me: ; ; Decoding commands at the recipient site (sam): ; decode -g 1 -i msg.zip.encrypted -l ./al/local/ -r ./me/ -epu ./al/ -epv ./me/ -v 1 ; or ; crypto decode -cfg ./cfg.ini -v 1 -a 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; GLOBAL parameters ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Repeat all key generation N times producing more encoding rounds and security [repeat]3 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; URL keys source when encoding: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Web files (also ftp[f] and videos[v]) [w]https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.1/Python-3.8.1.tgz [w]https://i.postimg.cc/ZKGMV8SP/Screenshot-from-2023-02-23-19-39-28.png ;Local shared files between me and sam (like shared USB) in ./sam/ [l]binary.dat.71 [l]binary.dat.44 ;Historical shared confirmed hashes in ./me/ [h]5 ;RSA public keys given by recipient (sam) in ./sam/ [r]MY_RSAKEY_2048_2023-03-25_14:29:11 [r]MY_RSAKEY_2048_2023-03-25_14:29:11;[r]MY_RSAKEY_2048_2023-03-25_14:29:11; [mode]linear;[r]MY_RSAKEY_2048_2023-03-25_14:29:11;[r]MY_RSAKEY_2048_2023-03-25_14:29:11;[r]MY_RSAKEY_2048_2023-03-25_14:29:11; [r:]last=10,first=6,random=7;[r:]last=1,first=2,random=25; ;ECC public keys given by recipient (sam) in ./sam/ [e]MY_ECCKEY_360_2023-03-25_14:33:22 [mode]recur;[e]MY_ECCKEY_1024_2023-03-18_12:20:21;[e]MY_ECCKEY_360_2023-03-25_14:33:22 [e:]last=10,first=1,random=15;[r:]last=10,first=26,random=22; [e:]last=10,first=2,random=35;[r:]last=13,first=16,random=13; ;Whitebox AES 512 bits to AES 32k bits [aes16384]z_20230329163702 ;Misc [mode]linear;[r:]last=1,first=1,random=2; [mode]linear;[h:]last=1,first=1,random=2; [mode]linear;[l:]last=1,first=1,random=2; [mode]linear;[aes512:]last=1,first=1,random=2;
Example of config file:
; ; cfg.ini ; ; ./crypto encode -cfg ./cfg.ini -i msg.zip ; ./crypto decode -cfg ./cfg.ini -i msg.zip.encrypted ; [var] var_folder_me_and_other = /home/server/dev/Encryptions/testcase/test/AL/ [cmdparam] filename_urls = urls.txt filename_msg_data = msg.zip filename_puzzle = filename_full_puzzle = filename_encrypted_data = msg.zip.encrypted filename_decrypted_data = keeping = 0 folder_local = [var_folder_me_and_other]sam/local/ folder_my_private_rsa = [var_folder_me_and_other]me/ folder_other_public_rsa = [var_folder_me_and_other]sam/ folder_my_private_ecc = [var_folder_me_and_other]me/ folder_other_public_ecc = [var_folder_me_and_other]sam/ folder_my_private_hh = [var_folder_me_and_other]me/ folder_other_public_hh = [var_folder_me_and_other]sam/ wbaes_my_private_path = [var_folder_me_and_other] wbaes_other_public_path = [var_folder_me_and_other] encryped_ftp_user = encryped_ftp_pwd = known_ftp_server = auto_flag = use_gmp = 1 self_test = 0 key_size_factor = 3 shufflePerc = 0 converter = check_converter = verbose = 1 [keygen] policy.0 = keytype:rsa, primes:2, bits:2040, maxusagecount:4, poolmin:5, poolnew:8, poolmax:100 policy.1 = keytype:rsa, primes:3, bits:1536, maxusagecount:4, poolmin:3, poolnew:6, poolmax:100 policy.2 = keytype:rsa, primes:3, bits:3072, maxusagecount:16, poolmin:3, poolnew:7, poolmax:100 policy.3 = keytype:rsa, primes:4, bits:12400, maxusagecount:16, poolmin:1, poolnew:1, poolmax:100 policy.4 = keytype:rsa, primes:5, bits:10000, maxusagecount:16, poolmin:1, poolnew:1, poolmax:100 policy.5 = keytype:rsa, primes:15, bits:15000, maxusagecount:16, poolmin:5, poolnew:5, poolmax:100 policy.25 = keytype:ecc, bits:512, domain:512_aa57fdf40db2155665005e35a1b430bba4d359644da7bd91c8527235fcf0b17b, maxusagecount:16, poolmin:7, poolnew:3, poolmax:100 policy.26 = keytype:ecc, bits:1024, maxusagecount:32, poolmin:8, poolnew:4, poolmax:100 [algo] ALGO_BIN_AES_128_ecb = 0 ALGO_BIN_AES_128_cbc = 0 ALGO_BIN_AES_128_cfb = 1 ALGO_BIN_AES_256_ecb = 1 ALGO_BIN_AES_256_cbc = 1 ALGO_BIN_AES_256_cfb = 1 ALGO_TWOFISH = 1 ALGO_Salsa20 = 1 ALGO_IDEA = 1 ALGO_wbaes512 = 1 ALGO_wbaes1024 = 1 ALGO_wbaes2048 = 1 ALGO_wbaes4096 = 1 ALGO_wbaes8192 = 1 ALGO_wbaes16384 = 1 ALGO_wbaes32768 = 1
Regular upload of Elliptic Curves of increasing number of bits
ecgen_ec_curves/ec192_1.txt ecgen_ec_curves/ec256_1.txt ecgen_ec_curves/ec256_2.txt ecgen_ec_curves/ec256_3.txt ecgen_ec_curves/ec256_4.txt ecgen_ec_curves/ec256_5.txt ecgen_ec_curves/ec256_6.txt ecgen_ec_curves/ec360_1.txt ecgen_ec_curves/ec512_1.txt ecgen_ec_curves/ec512_2.txt ecgen_ec_curves/ec512_3.txt ecgen_ec_curves/ec1024_1.txt ecgen_ec_curves/ec1024_2.txt ecgen_ec_curves/ec1024_3.txt ecgen_ec_curves/ec1536_1.txt
Generate new keys automatically
crypto keygen -cfg cfg.ini -v 1 -threads 30 Generating keys... --------------------------------- Required number of new ECC keys: 1 ECC key bit size: 512 ECC domain: 512_aa57fdf40db2155665005e35a1b430bba4d359644da7bd91c8527235fcf0b17b Number of threads: 30 --------------------------------- public key kg_x: 1PmTWb3lg0HnYGsy6FCKmywCRkHGyms45hnvmzSpLg0ZQMu9a=uxhKVAVW2alDKt=+GW7pVfgi4j48IejRGeMd public key kg_y: 21LvBGz4u43li1qlq86=Per7C9us06+liKk6a+VG5QxTebtIC3WwXAOKeSPvBSKT3Xld=Jkm1yFGoZKLs9CDSj ecc key saved as: MY_ECCKEY_512_2023-04-12_19:20:35_0 ------------------------------ Required number of new RSA keys: 1 RSA key bit size: 15000 RSA key number of primes: 15 Number of threads: 30 ------------------------------ iteration: 1 RSA (N primes) GMP Encrypt/Decrypt OK- bits size: 15000 - Elapsed Time: 10.056 sec key saved as: MY_RSA15KEY_15000_2023-04-12_19:20:49_0 KEYGEN SUCCESS Elapsed time in seconds: 13 sec
A tool (qa) for various tasks
==================================== QA version : v0.2_2023-03-25 Not using a configuration file Select a task: ==================================== 0. Quit *. Last choice 1. Use a configuration file for default parameters 2. Show configuration 3. HEX(file, position, keysize) 4. Puzzle: Make random puzzle from shared binary (like USB keys) data 5. Puzzle: Resolve puzzle 6. WhiteBox keys AES 512-32768 bits - create key table 7. RSA Key: View my private RSA key 8. RSA Key: View my public RSA key (also included in the private db) 81. RSA Key: View other public RSA key 9. RSA Key: Export my public RSA key 10. RSA Key: Generate RSA key with OPENSSL command line (fastest) 11. RSA Key: Test RSA GMP key generator 12. RSA Key: Generate RSA key with GMP (fast) 13. ECC: Elliptic Curve test with GMP 14. Historical Hashes: View my private encode history hashes 15. Historical Hashes: View my public decode history hashes 16. Historical Hashes: Export public decode history hashes for confirmation 17. Historical Hashes: Confirm other public decode history hashes 18. EC Domain: Import an elliptic curve domain generated from ecgen (output manually saved in a file) 19. EC Domain: Generate an elliptic curve domain with ecgen 20. EC Domain: View my elliptic curve domains 21. EC Domain: Import the elliptic curve domains of other 22. EC Key: Generate an elliptic curve key 23. EC Key: View my private elliptic curve keys 24. EC Key: Export my public elliptic curve keys 25. EC Key: View my public elliptic curve keys (also included in the private db) 26. EC Key: View other public elliptic curve keys ==> New Menu: ==================================== QA version: v0.4_2023-04-02 Current configuration file: ./cfg.ini ==================================== [1] Config [2] Puzzle [3] RSA Key [4] ECC Domain [5] ECC Key [6] Historical Hashes [7] Whitebox AES keys [8] Tools [0] Exit this menu Enter option ==>
Man-In-The-Middle Attack prevention now implemented
Auto transmission of public keys implemented:
Feature implemented: Transform encrypted data to another format (ex: png image):
Free for personal usage License required for commercial usage