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Snorlax is a simple program that uses the SONAR API interface to retrieve, for every user and project, the number of unresolved and unassigned issues. It then, using the Razor library, generates two sets of reports:

  • For users, a list of unresolved overdue issues and all unassigned issues on all projects the user has access to
  • For managers, a list of all users (with the number of unresolved overdue issues for every user) and all projects (with the number of unassigned issues for every project)

Snorlax is a NET Core portable application that is designed to be completely configurable - all the parameters are specified in the form of environment variables (to be Docker friendly) and the e-mail templates are easily modified.

The program has been written to be easily called automatically as a scheduled task.

How To Run

The easiest way to run is via the official Docker image:

docker run -it -e SNORLAX_SONAR_URL=*SonarUrl* -e SNORLAX_SONAR_TOKEN=*ApiToken* -e SNORLAX_SMTP_SERVER=*SmtpServer*

You can use the SNORLAX_RECIPIENT_FILTER and SNORLAX_IGNORED_RECIPIENTS environment variables to set which SONAR users receive alerts:

docker run -it -e SNORLAX_SONAR_URL=*SonarUrl* -e SNORLAX_SONAR_TOKEN=*ApiToken* -e SNORLAX_SMTP_SERVER=*SmtpServer* -e SNORLAX_RECIPIENT_FILTER="jsmith,bjones"

And the SNORLAX_SUMMARY environment variable to set which e-mail addresses receive summary reports:

docker run -it -e SNORLAX_SONAR_URL=*SonarUrl* -e SNORLAX_SONAR_TOKEN=*ApiToken* -e SNORLAX_SMTP_SERVER=*SmtpServer* -e SNORLAX_RECIPIENT_FILTER="jsmith,bjones" -e SNORLAX_SUMMARY="[email protected],[email protected]"

See the Configuration section below for details on the required environment variables.


Snorlax is configured purely via environment variables.

(Array type values are separated by commas)

Name Required Type Details
SNORLAX_SONAR_URL Required String URL of Sonar server, with trailing slash (eg: )
SNORLAX_SONAR_TOKEN Required String Sonar API access token
SNORLAX_DAYS_OVERDUE Optional Integer The number of days until an issue is considered overdue (10 by default)
SNORLAX_PROJECT_FILTER Optional String[] If defined, include only these projects - Incompatible with SNORLAX_IGNORED_PROJECTS
SNORLAX_IGNORED_PROJECTS Optional String[] List project keys to be ignored - Incompatible with SNORLAX_PROJECT_FILTER
SNORLAX_USER_FILTER Optional String[] if defined, include only these users - Incompatible with SNORLAX_IGNORED_USERS
SNORLAX_IGNORED_USERS Optional String[] List of usernames to be ignored (eg: user1,user2) = Incompatible with SNORLAX_USER_FILTER
SNORLAX_SMTP_SERVER Required String SMTP server hostname
SNORLAX_SMTP_SENDER Optional String The sender e-mail address used for outgoing messages (eg: [email protected]) - Defaults to snorlax-outbound@SNORLAX_SONAR_URL if undefineD
SNORLAX_SMTP_SSL_ENABLED Optional Boolean If set to "true", use SSL to encrypt SMTP connection - defaults to false if undefined
SNORLAX_SMTP_USERNAME Optional String If set, the SMTP username to use to send outgoing messages (if set, SNORLAX_SMTP_PASSWORD must also be set)
SNORLAX_SMTP_PASSWORD Optional String If set, the SMTP password to use to send outgoing messages (if set, SNORLAX_SMTP_USERNAME must also be set)
SNORLAX_RECIPIENT_FILTER Optional String[] if defined, only send notify these users - Incompatible with SNORLAX_IGNORED_RECIPIENTS
SNORLAX_IGNORED_RECIPIENTS Optional String[] List of usernames that will -NOT- be notified - Incompatible with SNORLAX_RECIPIENT_FILTER
SNORLAX_SUMMARY Optional String[] If present, a list of e-mail addresses to retrieve summary reports
SNORLAX_VERBOSE Optional Boolean If set to "true", will output trace information to console (false by default)
SNORLAX_ADMIN_GROUPS Optional String[] A list of supplemental groups to be considered "admin groups" and to be ignored (like sonar-administrators)


The subject and content of mails can be customised by modifying the appropriate cshtml file:

Path Description
Views\UserSubject\Template.cshtml Subject of mail to user
Views\UserBody\Template.cshtml Body of mail to user
Views\SummarySubject\Template.cshtml Subject of report summary
Views\SummaryBody\Template.cshtml Body of report summary

For more convenient Docker mounts, every template is in it's own folder.