An atomic design and Pattern Lab friendly starting point for new Drupal 8 themes. Can be used stand-alone with Pattern Lab. Can be used as a Pattern Lab StarterKit as well.
Prerequisites: npm installed.
In the Shila theme root directory run:
npm install
Please note that latest version of Shila theme always uses the latest version of shila-css, which is still in alpha and can introduce breaking changes. If you are pulling changes from the Shila theme repository be sure to also update to the latest version of shila-css. Or if basing your theme on a specific version of Shila theme be sure to specify the exact matching version of shila-css in package.json
Install and enable the Component Libraries module. No configuration is needed.
Install and enable the UI Patterns module. Some components have a ui_patterns.yml
definition file, which enables them to be used with UI Patterns.
Prerequisites: npm and Composer installed.
In the Shila theme root directory run:
npm run install-pattern-lab
This will download Pattern Lab, make required configuration changes and generate the Pattern Lab website. The command will not do anything if a pattern-lab
directory already exists.