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This is a fun project to create a Web app that shows airports on the map by searching them by different search criteria. The project itself was split into two parts:

  1. Develop a Web app
  2. Deploy the app to the Cloud Platform

In this project I used next technologies:


  • PyCharm Community
  • Visual Studio Code

What’s Included? Programming languages, frameworks and etc:

  • Python3
  • JavaScript
  • ReactJs
  • Elasticsearch
  • BootStrap

Get Started

Production mode

Run shell script to start the web application


Development mode

Install Python3 dependencies

pip3 install -r airport-app/requirements.txt

Run Elasticsearch ('localhost')
docker run -dp 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -v elasticsearch-data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data -e "discovery.type=single-node"
Run Python script
Run ReactJs
cd web && npm start
Build Docker image
docker build -t al3x3i/aiport_app .

How to run Dockerimage with Elasticsearch


Create Docker network aiportapp_network
docker network create aiportapp_network
Run Elasticsearch with aiportapp_network network
docker run -dp 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 --net aiportapp_network --name es_db -v elasticsearch-data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data -e "discovery.type=single-node"
Run Dockerimage, Required ES_HOST variable otherwise app will not able to connect to "elasticsearch" inside "aiportapp_network" network
docker run --rm --net aiportapp_network -p 5000:5000 --env "ES_HOST=es_db" al3x3i/aiport_app

Userfull commands which can help while working with docker

Inspect Docker network
docker network inspect aiportapp_network
Run shell inside docker container
docker exec -it $container sh
Stop PIDs of processes
sudo fuser -k -n tcp 5000

What’s Included?

Elasticsearch indexes fields
Field Description
airport_id Unique OpenFlights identifier for this airport.
name Name of airport. May or may not contain the City name.
city Main city served by airport. May be spelled differently from Name.
country Country or territory where airport is located. See Countries to cross-reference to ISO 3166-1 codes.
iata 3-letter IATA code. Null if not assigned/unknown.
icao 4-letter ICAO code. Null if not assigned.
latitude Decimal degrees, usually to six significant digits. Negative is South, positive is North.
longitude Decimal degrees, usually to six significant digits. Negative is West, positive is East.
altitude In feet.
timezone Hours offset from UTC. Fractional hours are expressed as decimals, eg. India is 5.5.
dst Daylight savings time. One of E (Europe), A (US/Canada), S (South America), O (Australia), Z (New Zealand), N (None) or U (Unknown). See also: Help: Time
tz_db_time Timezone in "tz" (Olson) format, eg. "America/Los_Angeles".
type Type of the airport. Value "airport" for air terminals, "station" for train stations, "port" for ferry terminals and "unknown" if not known. In airports.csv, only type=airport is included.
source Source of this data. "OurAirports" for data sourced from OurAirports, "Legacy" for old data not matched to OurAirports (mostly DAFIF), "User" for unverified user contributions. In airports.csv, only source=OurAirports is included


Get indexes overwiew in Elasticsearch using "ElasticSearch Head" Extension in Chrome

Aiport, airline and route data

More information you can find here
(Learning) Options to run React App locally: