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Creates a Digitalocean VM and adds DNS entries at Cloudflare


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Digitalocean Droplets Module

This module will create a Digitalocean VM - aka droplet - and creates at the same time DNS entries for IPv4 and IPv6 using Cloudflare.


SSH Fingerprints

The fingerprints from your public keys are required. Replace <public_key_fingerprint> with the fingerprints in secrets.tfvars.


Your e-mail address and API key for Cloudflare are required. Get this key here or open the dashboard for the domain and click on the link Get your API token. Replace <name> and <key> in secrets.tfvars.


A personal access token is required. Get this at Account -> API -> Generate New Token or click just here. Replace <token> in secrets.tfvars.


Quite obvious: A secrets.tfvars file is required to store your credentials for Cloudflare and Digitalocean.

Default Settings

VM Defaults

  • By default IPv6 is enabled.
  • Resizing the disk when a larger VM is chosen is disabled. The reason is that once the disk is increased it can not be downsized anymore. If this behavior is acceptable for you add resource_increase_disk = "true" to the module.

Example Usage

Either you use the example below where the module will be grabbed from GitHub direct or clone the repository and get the relative path to the module. Replace the GitHub link with the relative path (i.e. "../../module/terraform-digitalocean-cloudflare-droplet") in the following

terraform {
  required_providers {
    digitalocean = {
      source = "digitalocean/digitalocean"
    cloudflare = {
      source = "cloudflare/cloudflare"
  required_version = ">= 0.14, < 0.15"

provider "digitalocean" {
  token = var.do_token

provider "cloudflare" {
  email   = var.cloudflare_email
  api_key = var.cloudflare_api_key

module "example" {
  source = ""

  do_token        = var.do_token
  ssh_public_keys = var.ssh_public_keys

  resource_number_server = 1

  resource_country     = "de"
  resource_datacenter  = "fra1"
  resource_project     = "demo"
  resource_purpose     = "example"
  resource_environment = "dev"

  resource_tags = [

  cloudflare_email   = var.cloudflare_email
  cloudflare_api_key = var.cloudflare_api_key
  cloudflare_tld     = ""

In the same directory is required:

variable "do_token" {
  description = "API key for Digitalocean"
  type        = string
  sensitive   = true

variable "ssh_public_keys" {
  description = "Fingerprints of public ssh keys"
  type        = list(string)
  sensitive   = true

variable "cloudflare_email" {
  description = "The E-Mail address assigned to the Cloudflare account"
  type        = string
  sensitive   = true

variable "cloudflare_api_key" {
  description = "API key for Cloudflare"
  type        = string
  sensitive   = true

And the secrets are stored in secrets.tfvars:

do_token = "<token>"

ssh_public_keys = [

cloudflare_email = "<name>"

cloudflare_api_key = "<key>"

Assuming that all files are in the same directory, run terraform plan -var-file=./secrets.tfvars check the changes and terraform apply -var-file=./secrets.tfvars to apply the plan.

Argument Reference

  • do_token - (Required) API key for Digitalocean.

  • ssh_public_keys - (Required) Fingerprints of public ssh keys. Type is list(string)

  • resource_number_server - (Optional) Number of servers to deploy. Defaults to 1.

  • resource_provider - (Optional) Abbreviation for the cloud provider - required for naming. Defaults to do.

  • resource_country - (Required) Country of where resource is deployed.

  • resource_datacenter - (Required) Datacenter where the VM is deployed.

  • resource_os_image - (Optional) Operating System of virtual machine. Default is Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

  • resource_size - (Optional) Size of virtual machine. Default is the smallest one: s-1vcpu-1gb.

  • resource_increase_disk - (Optional) Resize disk when VM is resized. Default is false.

  • resource_project - (Optional) Name of the project - optional for naming. Default is project.

  • resource_environment - (Optional) Assigned environment - dev, stage, prod. Default is dev.

  • resource_purpose - (Optional) Purpose of the resource. Defaults to server.

  • resource_tags - (Optional) Additional assigned tags. Type list(string). Default is an empty list. A set of tags like country, datacenter and so on will be created automatically. This tags here are on top of the predefined ones.

  • cloudflare_email - (Required) The E-Mail address assigned to the Cloudflare account.

  • cloudflare_api_key - (Required) API key for Cloudflare.

  • cloudflare_tld - (Required) Assigned domain to the droplet.