Liqmaps is a website that will allow your local liquor shop to have an online presence. Liqmaps is a web-application developed using HTML5, CSS and PHP and fetches data from a MySQL database.
Liqmaps is a website designed with our current society in mind. Currently it has become especially difficult to shop for necessities because you never know if the item you want is in stock or not and sometimes you are lazy and do not want to drive to the store. Additionally, under the current COVID-19 pandemic, this tedious task to find the perfect drink could lead to a higher rate of infections. This is where Liqmaps comes in, the website will allow the user to purchase the drink you need for the party you want.
Setting up the right resolution while using our website from multiple resolutions was one of the tech issues. However, going further we were able to manage that issue while working on CSS and a lot of debugging using inspect option. Also, having different operating systems among team members was one of the greatest open issues. However, going further ahead we were able to overcome this problem and solved it, by creating a common domain using the XAMPP Control panel. This helped to merge the files created by each group member which came along further ahead in development progress.
Looking back it would have been beneficial to have established a project manager for the website, it would have helped with productivity as well as keeping the project on a steady schedule. While none of us were not really a manager per se we all contributed to keeping the project on track by reminding each other of deadlines, splitting up the work, and hosting team meetings.