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Akryl Redux

Akryl wrapper around redux and react-redux libraries, but it's more like elm-architecture.


See full project set up in akryl-core repository.

  1. Add jcenter repository:
repositories {
  1. Add dependencies:
kotlin {
    sourceSets {
        main {
            dependencies {
                implementation "io.akryl:akryl-redux:0.+"
                implementation npm("redux", "4.0.5")
                implementation npm("react-redux", "7.1.3")

Quick Start

sealed class Msg {
    object Increment : Msg()
    object Decrement : Msg()

val store = createStore<Int, Msg, Nothing>(
    init = Pair(0, null),
    update = { state, msg ->
        when (msg) {
            is Msg.Increment -> Pair(state + 1, null)
            is Msg.Decrement -> Pair(state - 1, null)
    execute = { _, _ -> Unit } 

fun counter() = component {
    val count = useSelector<Int>()
    val dispatch = useDispatch<Msg>()

        button(text = "-", onClick = { dispatch(Msg.Decrement) }),
        button(text = "+", onClick = { dispatch(Msg.Increment) })

val app = store.provider(listOf(


The library provides global state management based on functional programming principles. It is useful for large applications where it is hard for components to communicate with each other directly.

Main concepts of the library are:

  • State - an immutable object that contains the global application state.
  • Store - a container that holds the current state.
  • Message - an object that describes mutation to be applied to the state. The mutation must be synchronous and side-effects free.
  • Command - an object that describes an external side-effect. It can be an HTTP request, write to localStorage or anything that changes the outer world.
  • Update - a pure function that takes the current state and a message, and returns a new state and, optionally, a command.
  • Executor - a suspended impure function that executes commands and emits messages.
|                                                            |
|                                                            |
|             +---------+           +----------+             |
|             |         |   State   |          |             |
|             |         +---------->+   View   +-------------+
|             |         |           |          |
|   Message   |         |           +----------+
+------------>+  Store  |
|             |         |           +----------+
|             |         |    Cmd    |          |
|             |         +---------->+ Executor +-------------+
|             |         |           |          |             |
|             +---------+           +----------+             |
|                                                            |
|                                                            |


Redux DevTools are fully compatible with akryl-redux. To connect them, add the following lines to the store creation:

val store = createStore<State, Msg, Cmd>(
    enhancer = js("window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ && window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__()")
        .unsafeCast<StoreEnhancer<State, MsgAction<Msg>>>()