Software to approximately transform words of Orthodox English Spelling into Quickscript.
This is not a true dictionary, but rather a phonetic transformation from english words to Quickscript. Some standardized spellings may be transformed incorrectly.
If the word matches any of the words in the wordReplace
array in transformation.js
the spellings provided are displayed to the user. The page then continues to attempt
to tranform the word phonetically.
The page checks for an entry of the word in the CMU Pronunciation dictionary
). The dictionary outputs
phonetic symbols that represent how the
word is pronounced.
Those phonetic symbols are then mapped to Quickscript characters. This mapping is
usually fairly simple because Quickscript characters are mostly phonetic. However,
there are some additional rules to help handle edge cases. This phonetic mapping
is specified in transformation.js
. The transformation first runs the regex
replacements specified in regexReplace
, and then runs the plain phonetic
replacements specified in plainReplace
The Carnegie Mellon Pronouncing Dictionary The "Abbots Morton Experiment" font for Quickscript