NeqSim is the main part of the NeqSim project. NeqSim (Non-Equilibrium Simulator) is a Java library for estimation of fluid behavior and process design for oil and gas production. The basis for NeqSim is a library of fundamental mathematical models related to phase behavior and physical properties of oil and gas. NeqSim is easilly extended with new method. NeqSim development was initiated at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
NeqSim releases are available as java packages (jar files) and as source code. NeqSim can be used in a third party application by adding NeqSim.jar to the classpath.
NeqSim can be used in a Java application by adding the NeqSim.jar found in NeqSim releases to the classpath. A demonstration of dowloading the library and running a TPflash bencmark is illustrated in this NeqSim Colab demo. Learn and ask questions in Discussions for use and development of NeqSim.
See the NeqSim Java Wiki for how to use the NeqSim API. NeqSim can be built using the Maven build system ( All NeqSim build dependencies are given in the pom.xml file. Learn and ask questions in Discussions for use and development of NeqSim.
The NeqSim source code is downloaded by cloning the library to your local computer (alternatively fork it to your private reprository). The following commands are dependent on a local installation of GIT and Maven.
git clone
cd neqsim
mvn install
An interactive demonstration of how to get started as a NeqSim developer is presented in this NeqSim Colab demo.
The test files are written in JUnit5 and placed in the test directory. All test have to be passed before merging to the master. Test code shuld be written for all new code added to the project.
The NeqSim source code is compiled and distributed as a Java library. NeqSim releases are available for download from the release pages.
Maven - Dependency Management
See the getting started as a NeqSim developer documentation. Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests. An interactive demonstration of how to get started as a NeqSim developer is presented in this NeqSim Colab demo.
Questions related to neqsim can be posted in the github discussion pages.
NeqSim use SemVer for versioning.
Even Solbraa ([email protected]), Marlene Louise Lund
NeqSim is distributed under the Apache-2.0 licence.
A number of master and PhD students at NTNU have contributed to development of NeqSim. We greatly acknowledge their contributions.
NeqSim is built upon six base modules:
- Thermodynamic Routines
- Physical Properties Routines
- Fluid Mechanic Routines
- Unit Operations
- Chemical Reactions Routines
- Parameter Fitting Routines
- Process simulation routines
neqsim/: main library with all modules
neqsim/thermo/: Main path for thermodynamic routines neqsim/thermo/util/examples/: examples of use of Thermodynamic Models and Routines
neqsim/thermodynamicOperation: Main path for flash routines (TPflash, phase envelopes, etc.) neqsim/thermodynamicOperation/util/example/: examples of use of thermodynamic operations (eg. flash calculations etc.)
neqsim/physicalProperties: Main path for Physical Property methods neqsim/physicalProperties/util/examples/: Examples of use of physical properties calculations
neqsim/physicalProperties: Main path for Physical Property methods neqsim/physicalProperties/util/examples/: Examples of use of physical properties calculations
neqsim/processSimulation: Main path for Process Simulation Calculations neqsim/processSimulation/util/examples/: Examples of use of Process Simulation calculations
changelog.txt : History of what changed between each version. license.txt: license document
See NeqSim homepage. NeqSim toolboxes are avalable via GitHub for alternative programming languages.