This kernel tree is meant for:
- Orange Pi One
- Orange Pi PC
- Orange Pi PC 2
- Orange Pi PC 3
- TBS A711 Tablet
You can easily port it to other similar H3/H5 based SBCs by modifying the appropriate board DTS files. Usually these boards are either like Orange Pi One, or like Orange Pi PC, or they don't have CPUX voltage regulation at all, so it should be simple.
Features in addition to mainline:
- [All] Thermal regulation (if CPU heats above certain temperature, it will try to cool itself down by reducing CPU frequency)
- [All] Wireguard (
- [Orange Pi One/PC/PC2] Configure on-board micro-switches to perform system power off function
- [Orange Pi One/PC/PC2/3] CPU DVFS
- [Orange Pi 3] Ethernet support, USB 3.0 support, Real Time Clock
- [TBS A711] CSI, HM5065 (back camera), Power supply/battery driver, Accelerometer, Touch screen, Tablet buttons, ...
Pre-built u-boot and kernels are available at
You can use this kernel to run a desktop environment on Orange Pi SBCs.
Have fun!
These are rudimentary instructions and you need to understand what you're doing. These are just core steps required to build the ATF/u-boot/kernel. Downloading, verifying, renaming to correct directories is not described or mentioned. You should be able to infer missing necessary steps yourself for your particular needs.
Get necessary toolchains from:
- for 64bit Orange Pi PC2 and PC3
- for 32bit Orange Pis
Extract toolchains and prepare the environment:
export PATH="$PATH:$CWD/Toolchains/arm/bin:$CWD/Toolchains/aarch64/bin"
For Orange Pi PC2:
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
export KBUILD_OUTPUT=$OUT/.tmp/uboot-pc2
mkdir -p $KBUILD_OUTPUT $OUT/pc2
Get and build ATF from (allwinner branch)
make -C "$CWD/arm-trusted-firmware" PLAT=sun50iw1p1 DEBUG=1 bl31
cp "$CWD/arm-trusted-firmware/build/sun50iw1p1/debug/bl31.bin" "$KBUILD_OUTPUT"
Build u-boot from with appropriate defconfig (orangepi_one_defconfig, orangepi_pc2_defconfig, orangepi_pc_defconfig). This branch already has all the necessary patches integrated and is configured for quick u-boot/kernel startup.
make -C u-boot orangepi_pc2_defconfig
make -C u-boot -j5
cp $KBUILD_OUTPUT/.config $OUT/pc2/uboot.config
cat $KBUILD_OUTPUT/{spl/sunxi-spl.bin,u-boot.itb} > $OUT/pc2/uboot.bin
Get kernel from this repository and checkout the latest orange-pi-5.0 branch.
Configure kernel by using the prepared configuration for H5 based Orange Pi boards:
cp linux-5.0-64 .config
Build the kernel:
export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
export KBUILD_OUTPUT=$OUT/.tmp/linux-arm64
mkdir -p $KBUILD_OUTPUT $OUT/pc2
make -C linux -j5 clean
make -C linux -j5 Image dtbs
cp -f $KBUILD_OUTPUT/arch/arm64/boot/Image $OUT/pc2/
cp -f $KBUILD_OUTPUT/.config $OUT/pc2/linux.config
cp -f $KBUILD_OUTPUT/arch/arm64/boot/dts/allwinner/sun50i-h5-orangepi-pc2.dtb $OUT/pc2/board.dtb
Configure kernel by using the prepared configuration for H3 based Orange Pi boards:
cp linux-5.0-32 .config
Build the kernel:
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
export KBUILD_OUTPUT=$OUT/.tmp/linux-arm
mkdir -p $KBUILD_OUTPUT $OUT/pc
make -C linux -j5 clean
make -C linux -j5 zImage dtbs
cp -f $KBUILD_OUTPUT/arch/arm/boot/zImage $OUT/pc/
cp -f $KBUILD_OUTPUT/.config $OUT/pc/linux.config
cp -f $KBUILD_OUTPUT/arch/arm/boot/dts/sun8i-h3-orangepi-pc.dtb $OUT/pc/board.dtb
# Or use sun8i-h3-orangepi-one.dtb for Orange Pi One
If you're getting lockups on boot or later during thermal regulation, you're missing an u-boot patch.
This patch is necessary to run this kernel!
These lockups are caused by improper NKMP clock factors selection in u-boot for PLL_CPUX. (M divider should not be used. P divider should be used only for frequencies below 240MHz.)
This patch for u-boot fixes it:
Kernel side is already fixed in this kernel tree.
- linux-5.0-32 file contains working configuration of the kernel for Orange Pi PC/One
- linux-5.0-32-tbs file contains working configuration of the kernel for TBS A711
- linux-5.0-64 file contains working configuration of the kernel for Orange Pi PC2/PC3