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Lesson 1:

I learned about =>

What is a Smart Contract? Nick Szabo Hybrid Smart Contracts Blockchain Oracles Terminology Web3 What is a blockchain? The Purpose Of Smart Contracts

Decentralized Transparency & Flexibility Speed & Efficiency Security & Immutability Counterparty Risk Removal Trust Minimized Agreements What have Smart Contracts done so far?

DeFi Defi Llama Why DeFi is Important DAOs NFTs What is a Private Key? What is a Secret Phrase? Etherscan

Gas I: Introduction to Gas

Gas and Gas Fees Wei, Gwei, and Ether Converter ETH Gas Station How Do Blockchains Work?

What is a hash? Blockchain Demo Signing Transactions

Public / Private Keys Layer 2 and Rollups Decentralized Blockchain Oracles

Gas II

Block Rewards Advanced Gas EIP 1559 GWEI, WEI, and ETH ETH Converter

Run Your Own Ethereum Node High-Level Blockchain Fundamentals

Consensus Proof of Stake Proof of Work Nakamoto Consensus The merge

Lesson 2:

I learned about =>

Remix Solidity Documentation Setting Up First Contract

What is a software license SPDX License Compiling Contract Declaration Basic Solidity: Types

Types & Declaring Variables uint256, int256, bool, string, address, bytes32 Solidity Types Bits and Bytes Default Initializations Comments Basic Solidity: Functions

Functions Deploying a Contract Smart Contracts have addresses just like our wallets Calling a public state-changing Function Visibility Gas III | An example Scope View & Pure Functions Basic Solidity: Arrays & Structs

Structs Intro to Storage Arrays Dynamic & Fixed Sized push array function Basic Solidity: Compiler Errors and Warnings

Yellow: Warnings are Ok Red: Errors are not Ok Memory, Storage, Calldata (Intro)

6 Places you can store and access data calldata memory storage code logs stack Mappings

A testnet or mainnet Connecting Metamask Find a faucet here See the faucets at the top of this readme! Interacting with Deployed Contracts The EVM

Lesson 3:

I learned about =>

Factory Pattern Basic Solidity: Importing Contracts into other Contracts

Composibility Solidity new keyword Importing Code in solidity Basic Solidity: Interacting with other Contracts

To interact, you always need: ABI + Address ABI Basic Solidity: Inheritance & Overrides

Inheritance Override & Virtual Keyword

Lesson 4:

I learned about =>

Sending ETH through a function

Ethereum Unit Converter

Fields in a Transaction

More on v,r,s


msg.value & Other global keywords



Getting real world price data (Chainlink)

What is a blockchain oracle? What is the oracle problem? Chainlink Price Feeds (Data Feeds) Chainlink VRF Chainlink Keepers Chainlink API Calls Importing Tokens into your Metamask Request and Receive Chainlink Model


Importing from NPM / GitHub

Chainlink NPM Package Getting Prices from Chainlink

Solidity math

Multiply before you divide tuple Floating Point Numbers in Solidity Type Casting Gas Estimation Failed Someone should make an article explaining this error

Library SafeMath

Openzeppelin Safemath unchecked vs checked

For Loop /* */ is another way to make comments Resetting an array

Transfer, Send, and Call

Constructor Modifiers

Advanced Solidity Immutable & Constant Custom Errors

Custom Errors Introduction Receive & Fallback Functions

Solidity Docs Special Functions Fallback Receive

Lesson 5:

Deep Learning for Python Engineers Setting up GitHub

Formatting a question

It's a good idea to ask your AI buddy to format your questions in markdown

Lesson 6:

Installation & Setup (MacOS & Linux)

Visual Studio Code Crash Course VSCode Keybindings Git What is a terminal?

Gitpod If using this, NEVER share a private key with real money on Gitpod Ideally you figure out the MacOS, Linux, or Windows install though Local Development Introduction CMD + K or CTRL + K clears the terminal code . to open VSCode in a new VSCode window Foundry Install

VSCode Setup II

CoPilot Copilot labs Hardhat Solidity Extension VSCodium

Foundry Setup

Formatting Solidity in VSCode:

Format your solidity code with in your settings.json "[solidity]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "NomicFoundation.hardhat-solidity" }, "[javascript]":{ "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" } Compiling in Foundry

Deploying to a local chain I (Anvil or Ganache)

Ganache Adding another network to Metamask

ETH JSON RPC Deploying to a local chain II (Forge Create)

2 Ways to deploy: forge create forge script Private Key Rant I

history -c Deploying to a local chain III (Forge Script)

What is a transaction?

cast --to-base 0x01 dec Private Key Rant II

cast send source .env Can you Encrypt a Private Key -> a keystore in foundry yet??

The .env pledge ThirdWeb Deploy Special Guest Ciara nodejs install npm install

Private Key: When you look to deploy with real money, you should use either:

  1. A password encrypted keystore
  2. Something like thirdweb deploy

The idea is you never want to have your private key or password ANYWHERE written in plain text (Aka, you always want it encrypted) Cast Send Deploying to a testnet or a mainnet

Alchemy Other node as a service: Quicknode Infura Verifying a contract the manual way Example verified contract

forge fmt Alchemy & the mempool

Completed Video 1

Lesson 7:

Setup Testing Introduction

Chainlink Brownie Contracts Github Repo forge install smartcontractkit/[email protected] --no-commit Dependencies remappings Chainlink Brownie Contracts Tests foundry tests console.log Debugging Tests I

Advanced Deploy Scripts I

4 types of testing:

  1. Unit: Testing a single function
  2. Integration: Testing multiple functions
  3. Forked: Testing on a forked network
  4. Staging: Testing on a live network (testnet or mainnet) forking in foundry forge coverage Refactoring I: Testing Deploy Scripts

Refactoring II: Helper Config

block.chainid Chain ID List 11155111 is ETH Sepolia 1 is ETH Mainnet Refactoring III: Mocking

Mocking Chainlink Github Multiple Versions of Solidity Magic Numbers

Refactoring III: Mocking (continued)

More Cheatcodes

foundry cheatcodes forge std cheats vm.expectRevert vm.prank makeAddr deal More Coverage

State tree testing Arrange, Act, Assert hoax uint160 -> address vm.startPrank Chisel

Chisel Gas: Cheaper Withdraw

Gas Reporter forge snapshot vm.txGasPrice gasLeft() tx.getprice Storage

** Advanced ** Storage Layout Purpose of the memory keyword cast storage Opcodes Opcodes by Gas Opcodes by Gas Append s_ to storage variables Append i_ to immutable variables Caps lock and underscore constant variables Chainlink Solidity Style Guide Gas: Cheaper Withdraw Style Guide Chainlink Style Guide NatSpec Interactions.s.sol

foundry devops Best README Template ffi Makefile

Etherscan API Key

Lesson 8:

More in-depth Javascript & Full Stack introduction video

Live Server Extension How Metamask works with your browser Metamask Docs Ethers Docs Function selector cast sig

Lesson 9:

Raffle.sol Setup Solidity Contract Layout // Layout of Contract: // version // imports // errors // interfaces, libraries, contracts // Type declarations // State variables // Events // Modifiers // Functions

// Layout of Functions: // constructor // receive function (if exists) // fallback function (if exists) // external // public // internal // private // internal & private view & pure functions // external & public view & pure functions

Custom Errors in Solidity Events

Introduction to Events Events & Logging Video Events & Logging in Hardhat block.timestamp

Chainlink VRF Sub-Lesson: Chainlink VRF Chainlink VRFv2 Docs Chainlink VRFv2 Walkthrough Chainlink Contracts Implementing Chainlink VRF - Introduction Chainlink docs - create a random number Chainlink Brownie Contracts forge install smartcontractkit/[email protected] --no-commit Implementing Chainlink VRF - The Request Implementing Chainlink VRF - The FulFill

Modulo Enum

Resetting an array

CEI (Checks, Effects, Interactions)

Chainlink Automation Chainlink Automation Walkthrough Implementing Chainlink Keepers - checkUpkeep Enums Implementing Chainlink Keepers - checkUpkeep continued block.timestamp Implementing Chainlink Keepers - performUpkeep

Mid-Lesson Recap

Mock Chainlink VRF Coordinator Tests & Deploy Script Continued Testing Events in Foundry

vm.roll & vm.warp Create Subscription Script Create Subscription from the UI Fund Subscription Script

Link Token Solmate Openzeppelin Add Consumer Script forge coverage --report debug PerformUpkeep Tests

Expecting Custom Errors Getting Event Data into Foundry Scripts

vm.recordLogs Intro to Fuzz tests

Passing the private key to vm.startBroadcast

Integrations Test

Testnet Demo - Makefile setup Console.log Debugging forge test --debug

Lesson 10:

What is an ERC? What is an EIP? What is an EIP? EIPs codebase What is an ERC20?

EIP-20 ERC-677 EIP-777 Manually Creating an ERC20 Token ERC20 Token - Openzeppelin

Openzeppelin Openzeppelin Wizard Openzeppelin Contracts Solmate (Openzeppelin alternative) Deploy Script

AI Tests

Token Approvals

Lesson 11:

What is an NFT? EIP-721 Foundry Setup

TokenURI Pudgy Penguin Example IPFS

Basic NFT: Deploy Script Basic NFT: Tests

Comparing strings in solidity chisel Basic NFT: Interactions

The issue with IPFS & HTTPS TokenURI NFTs

What is an SVG?

svg vscode extension base64 encoding SVG NFT: Introduction

base64 openzeppelin SVG NFT: Flipping the mood SVG NFT: Deploy Script readFile Cheat SVG NFT: Debugging practice SVG NFT: Anvil Demo

arweave filecoin Patrick video on Filecoin Filecoin & Arweave

Advanced: EVM Opcodes, Encoding, and Calling abi.encode & abi.encodePacked abi.encode abi.encodePacked Thanks to Alex Roan for his help on this session! Example Contract Creation Transaction What REALLY is the ABI? EVM Opcodes More EVM Opcodes Solidity Cheatsheet abi.encode vs abi.encodePacked Introduction to Encoding Function Calls Directly Introduction to Encoding Function Calls Encoding Function Calls Directly Function Selector Function Signature Verifying Metamask Transactions

Check the address Check the function selector Decode the calldata joinfire.zxyz


Completed Video 2!!

Lesson 12:

What is DeFi? What is DeFi? DefiLlama Bankless MEV Aave My Previous Aave Video on Shorting Assets DAI Uniswap Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) Code Walkthrough

What is a smart contract audit What is a stablecoin?

Video MakerDAO Forums DecentralizedStableCoin.sol

What is a smart contract audit super DSCEngine.sol Setup

liquidations nonreentrant reentrancy Deposit Collateral

Other DeFi Examples: Aave V2 Docs Aave NPM Mint DSC Getting the value of our collateral

Aave Borrowing FAQs Health Factor Aave Risk Parameters Health Factor Liquidation Threshold Minting the DSC Testing while developing Deploy Script

WETH Token Sepolia Etherscan WETH Token Mainnet Tests

depositCollateralAndMintDsc redeemCollateral Liquidate Refactoring

Fuzz (Invariant) Testing Open-based Fuzz tests Handler-based Fuzz tests revert_on_fail = true

Redeeming Collateral Minting DSC

Debugging Fuzz Tests Ghost Variables Price Feed Handling OracleLib Note on audit preparedness Simple security checklist Lens Protocol More DeFi Learnings: Defi-Minimal Defi Dad

Lesson 13:

Upgradable Smart Contracts Overview Optional Video Types of Upgrades Parameter Social Migrate Proxy Proxy Gotchas Function Collisions Storage Collisions Metamorphic Upgrades Transparent UUPS Diamond Delegatecall Yul Small Proxy Example

EIP 1967 Universal Upgradable Smart Contract

UUPS vs Transparent Abstract Contracts Initializer Deploy ERC-1967 UpgradeBox Test


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