I'm Akhilesh Balaji
, a student. As a science and technology enthusiast
, I'm passionate about scientific literacy, and run a science magazine, The Geekly
, to this effect. I believe that answering fundamental questions about the universe
should be one of on humanity's priority list
. The quest for knowledge will never truly be over, but as time and science progress, the gap between our questions and their answers will be closed. Summed up in the insightful words of the Chinese philosopher Confucius, “He who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions.”
- 🔭 I’m currently working on an application called
. - 🌱 I’m currently learning how to develop a React app using
- 💬 Ask me about science and technology
- 😄 Motto: “He who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions.”
To have a look at all my work, visit my website at https://akhilesh-balaji.github.io/
Until then, suffice it to say that I am the CEO, Editor, and Founder of a science magazine called The Geekly
, the creator of a notes app for the 22nd century, Textylic
, and own a science related YouTube Channel
. I also dabble in graphic design at times. Have a look at my graphic design experiments here