- Node.js
- Node Package Manager
- A discord application with a valid token, the outline for this is specified here: https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/
- Rename "client-template.json" in the src/config folder to "client.json".
- Add your key from your discord app in where it says <INSERT TOKEN HERE>
- Download this repo
- Navigate to the root of this repo
- Open a command prompt/terminal window and execute
npm run build
- execute
npm start
This bot uses Scryfall syntax, which can be found here: https://scryfall.com/docs/syntax
To get a list of bot commands, type !help in the chat box and the bot will return a list of all valid commands.
To serach for a card to get the gatherer information wrap your search inquiry like so: [[<CARDNAME> <additional syntax>]].
To serach for a card to get the EDHRec information wrap your search inquiry like so: {{<CARDNAME>}}. Additional syntax is not used for this option.