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ft is a monorepo of all my projects related to 42. It's mainly meant for personal archiving, but I share some cool projects that you can check out. For example, the Minecraft push_swap visualizer.


Milestone Project Finished Grade
0 libft logo
(with bonuses)
1 born2beroot logo
(with bonuses)
ft_printf logo 100
get_next_line logo 100
2 pipex logo
(with bonuses)
push_swap logo 100
fdf logo ...
3 minishell logo
with @maximart

Extra tools/projects

Rust logo

A program to flex on your friends by visualizing your push_swap algorithm in Minecraft. It uses Valence to control the game packets and visualize the sorting algorithm on your 1.20.1 client.

In-game screenshot

Rust logo


GPM and Arthur were never meant to be used by anyone other than me. They are tools designed for my workflow that I use to manage my projects in this monorepo. They could break your stuff.

Arthur is a test runner for 42 projects implementing the core functionnalities (and more) of the now-defunct GPM.

  • The test runner runs tests on your project and displays the results in a nice and readable format. Currently, it supports libft.
  • The project manager handles file manipulation before pushing a project for validation on the 42 intra. This allows me to keep all the deps clean internally in this repo.

More info here.

Additional stuff/notes

Bash logo

GPM replaced by Arthur

Git Project Manager (GPM) was a bash script that helped me manage my projects in this monorepo. I have re-implemented its core functionnalities (and more) in Arthur.


This project's dev dependencies are managed using nix-direnv. If you don't know what NixOS is, you probably don't have to care about that though.


ford was a quick and dirty test runner I made for my projects during the pool. It's now deprecated in favor of Arthur.


You can build all of the projects that use Make using make all (at the repo root).

Additionally, you can list them with make list build one with make <PROJECT>, and clean them all with make clean and make fclean.

Note for myself

alias reload="rm -rf ~/goinfre/test && cd ~/ft && cargo r --package arthur -- p s milestone-2-fdf && git clone ~/goinfre/test && cd ~/goinfre/test && make all bonus"