A simple, front-end only portfolio site for me.
View it live at https://aidangarza.github.com/portfolio
Here are a few of the fun features in this little site:
- Source code written using Stylus CSS preprocessor and ES6 JavaScript, compiled using Gulp.
- Minimal thrid party code:
- HighCharts.js for the Skills Wordcloud
- Normalize.css for my sanity
- Icon Font generated on Icomoon.io
- The menu in the top-right corner is controlled with CSS, no JavaScript.
- The section labels after my name in the header are controlled with IntersectionObserver instances on each section.
- The cool slant effect in the experience section was acheived by skewing the whole section, and then unskewing each paragraph.
- The cool responsive hexagon grid is also CSS only, slightly modified from a tutorial by Codin on Codesmite