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Hi there, I'm Ahmet Can

Linkedin Badge Twitter Badge

I work as a software engineer at Amazon. I am driven by my passion for programming languages such as Go, JavaScript, and C#. I also have my own initiative kodvizit, where I pursue personal development projects. I welcome the opportunity to collaborate on new and innovative ideas, so don't hesitate to reach out to me.

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on a cool private project
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning apache cassandra
  • 💬 Ask me about go, javascript, c#
  • 📫 How to reach me: ahmetcan [at]

Technologies ⚡

JavaScript Python Go C Sharp PHP C Java React React Native AngularJs Next Gatsby Nodejs Flask Blazor .NET Core GraphQL MySQL Sqlite MongoDB Redis ElasticSearch RabbitMQ Apache Kafka Apache Airflow Github Actions Google Cloud Git GitHub GitLab Jira

GitHub Stats 📊

ahmetcanaydemir stats ahmetcanaydemir most used languages

Pinned Loading

  1. insanlar-icin-tasarim-desenleri Public

    Tasarım desenlerinin aşırı basitleştirilmiş Türkçe açıklamaları

    111 2

  2. react-advanced-news-ticker Public

    A powerful, flexible, lightweight and animated vertical news ticker component for React.

    JavaScript 52 5

  3. sekte Public

    Reducing the Noise in the Audio Signal by Deep Learning Methods

    Jupyter Notebook 13 2

  4. isimlendirme-kurallari Public

    Forked from kettanaito/naming-cheatsheet

    Değişken adlandırma hakkında programlama dilinden bağımsız kapsamlı kılavuzlar.


  5. otomatikobis Public

    Otomatik Obis a software that solves Selcuk University captchas with machine learning. Makes real students -not bots- login easier. The user name and password are stored on the user's computer.

    Python 2

  6. gatsbyjs/gatsby Public

    The best React-based framework with performance, scalability and security built in.

    JavaScript 55.3k 10.3k

9 contributions in the last year

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Activity overview

Contributed to microsoft/PowerToys
Loading A graph representing ahmetcanaydemir's contributions from December 24, 2023 to December 26, 2024. The contributions are 89% commits, 11% issues, 0% pull requests, 0% code review.   Code review 11% Issues   Pull requests 89% Commits

Contribution activity

December 2024

ahmetcanaydemir has no activity yet for this period.

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