Pastry is a Quiche fork in Elixir. 
{:pastry, "~> 0.3.0"}
iex> Pastry.to_query_string(%{param: ~w(this is a parameters list), words: "Elixir is fun!"})
Pastry.to_query_string([param: ~w(this is a parameters list), words: "Elixir is fun!"])
# use "camel" or "pascal"
iex> Pastry.to_query_string([some_words: ~w(some list), text_word: "Pascal"], case: "pascal")
iex> Pastry.to_query_string(%{some_words: "A word"}, case: "camel")
You can just pass an arity 1 function with the :func
iex> Pastry.to_query_string([text_message: "some word"], func: &String.upcase/1)