This is based on excellent
react-json-table The component is written in TypeScript and supports React 19.x. It attempts to be backward compatible withreact-json-table
- No external dependencies when using pre-built UMD files.
- Customizable cell contents to show your data the way you need.
- Callbacks for clicks on headers, rows or cells.
- Customizable column rendering and ability to add custom columns.
- Customizable CSS class names for table, header, rows and cells.
- No internal state, everything comes from the props.
- Props
- [Column grouping](#column-grouping)
Support for duplicate
fields in JSON input - correctly rendersdata-key
npm install ts-react-json-table
Pre-built UMD files ts-react-json-table.js and ts-react-json-table.min.js
const JsonTable = require('ts-react-json-table');
var items = [
{"id": 75950,"name": "Louella Wallace","age": 24,"phone": "+44 (0)203 437 7302","color": "green"},
{"id": 80616,"name": "Hanson Perry","age": 36,"phone": "+44 (0)203 279 3708","color": "brown"},
{"id": 77621,"name": "Brandi Long","age": 20,"phone": "+44 (0)203 319 4880","color": "gray"},
{"id": 81299,"name": "Tonia Sykes","age": 38,"phone": "+44 (0)208 328 3671","color": "blue"},
{"id": 14225,"name": "Leach Durham","age": 23,"phone": "+44 (0)208 280 9572","color": "green"}
ReactDOM.render(<JsonTable rows = {items} />, document.body);
Prop | Type | Description |
rows | Array[Object] (required) | JSON data. |
columns | Array[string|ColumnSettings] (optional) | Table columns, if not defined rows JSON data is used. See column settings. |
excludeColumns | Array[string] (optional) | Exclude columns by key, allows to quickly exclude elements from rows JSON data without defining all columns . See exclude columns |
className | string (optional) | Class to use for <table> element. |
theadClassName | string (optional) | Class to use for <thead> element. |
caption | string (optional) | Table <caption> element contents. If not defined <caption> element will not be rendered. |
settings | TableSettings (optional) | Table settings, see table settings. |
onClickCell | Function (optional) | Callback triggered when a cell is clicked: fn(event, columnName, rowData) . |
onClickRow | Function (optional) | Callback triggered when a row is clicked: fn(event, rowData) . |
onClickHeader | Function (optional) | Callback triggered when a column header is clicked: fn(event, columnName) . |
Setting name | Type | Description |
key | string | Object key of rows JSON data. |
label | string (optional) | Column header, if not defined key is used. |
cell | Function|string (optional) | Contents of table cell, if not defined key is used. Can be string or function(row, columnKey) |
group | string (optional) | Allows to group multiple items under same group header. See column grouping |
If passed only columns defined in columns
prop will be shown in table.
var rows = [
{"id": 75950,"name": "Louella Wallace","age": 24,"phone": "+44 (0)203 437 7302","color": "green"},
{"id": 80616,"name": "Hanson Perry","age": 36,"phone": "+44 (0)203 279 3708","color": "brown"},
{"id": 77621,"name": "Brandi Long","age": 20,"phone": "+44 (0)203 319 4880","color": "gray"},
var columns = [
{key: 'age', label: 'Age'},
{key: 'phone', label: 'Phone'},
{key: 'color', label: 'Colourful', cell: function(row, columnKey){
return <span style={{color: row.color}}>{row.color}</span>;
ReactDOM.render(<JsonTable rows = {rows} columns = {columns}/>, document.body);
var rows = [
{"id": 75950,"name":{"first":"Catherine","last":"Welch"},"age": 24,"phone": "+44 (0)203 437 7302","color": "green"},
{"id": 80616,"name":{"first":"Goff","last":"Castro"},"age": 36,"phone": "+44 (0)203 279 3708","color": "brown"},
{"id": 77621,"name":{"first":"Guthrie","last":"Sullivan"},"age": 20,"phone": "+44 (0)203 319 4880","color": "gray"},
var columns = [
{key: 'name.first', label: 'First Name'},
{key: 'name.last', label: 'Last Name'},
{key: 'phone', label: 'Phone'},
{key: 'color', label: 'Color'}
ReactDOM.render(<JsonTable rows = {rows} columns = {columns}/>, document.body);
Columns can be grouped under same header by specifying group
column property.
var rows = [
{"id":56480,"company":"Plasmox","name":{"first":"Catherine","last":"Welch"},"position":"Regional manager","address":"888 Himrod Street, Independence, Virgin Islands, 3588","phone":"+1 (968) 567-2395","mobile":"+1 (804) 414-3278","email":"[email protected]","registered":"Wednesday, August 27, 2014 11:46 AM"},
{"id":27368,"company":"Accidency","name":{"first":"Goff","last":"Castro"},"position":"Operations manager","address":"295 Bogart Street, Defiance, Marshall Islands, 8354","phone":"+1 (831) 510-2392","mobile":"+1 (840) 446-2807","email":"[email protected]","registered":"Monday, November 9, 2015 7:37 PM"},
{"id":44914,"company":"Viagreat","name":{"first":"Guthrie","last":"Sullivan"},"position":"Office manager","address":"802 Wythe Place, Jardine, Ohio, 7435","phone":"+1 (990) 409-3109","mobile":"+1 (875) 417-3069","email":"[email protected]","registered":"Tuesday, December 6, 2016 11:38 AM"},
var columns = [
{key: 'company', label: 'Company'},
{key: 'name.first', label: 'First Name', group: 'Employee'},
{key: 'name.last', label: 'Last Name', group: 'Employee'},
{key: 'position', label: 'Position', group: 'Employee'},
{key: 'address', label: 'Address', group: 'Contact Details'},
{key: 'phone', label: 'Phone', group: 'Contact Details'},
{key: 'mobile', label: 'Mobile', group: 'Contact Details'},
{key: 'email', label: 'Email', group: 'Contact Details'},
{key: 'registered', label: 'Registered'}
ReactDOM.render(<JsonTable rows = {rows} columns = {columns}/>, document.body);
This allows to exclude columns from table without defining all columns.
var rows = [
{"id": 75950,"name":{"first":"Catherine","last":"Welch"},"age": 24,"phone": "+44 (0)203 437 7302","color": "green"},
{"id": 80616,"name":{"first":"Goff","last":"Castro"},"age": 36,"phone": "+44 (0)203 279 3708","color": "brown"},
{"id": 77621,"name":{"first":"Guthrie","last":"Sullivan"},"age": 20,"phone": "+44 (0)203 319 4880","color": "gray"},
var excludeColumns = [
ReactDOM.render(<JsonTable rows = {rows} excludeColumns = {excludeColumns}/>, document.body);
If both columns
and excludeColumns
props are passed, columns will be excluded even if they are defined in columns
Setting name | Type | Description |
header | boolean (optional) | Determines whether to show table header. Default is true . |
classPrefix | string (optional) | JsonTable uses class attributes for its markup like jsonRow or jsonCell . The default prefix is json but you can use this setting to change it in case it is conflicting with other classes in your app. |
noRowsMessage | string|ReactComponent (optional) | Message shown when the table has no rows. Default is "No items". |
cellClass | Function (optional) | Cell custom class using fn(currentClass, columnKey, rowData) . |
headerClass | Function (optional) | Header custom class using fn(currentClass, columnKey) . |
rowClass | Function (optional) | Row custom class using fn(currentClass, rowData) . |
cellRenderer | Function (optional) | If provided, this function will be used to render all the cells' content. If not provided, the cell contents will be item[field] , the value of the item for that field. |