This is the HI-TECH Z80 C Cross Compiler (MS-DOS) v4.11
On the Facebook Zilog Z80 DIY group, Chris A Hills requested and was granted permission from Microchip Technology Inc. to release this software for cross-compiling CP/M Z80 programs under MS-DOS.
The external download link for this software is
and it is also available from GitHub from here.
Please read and keep a copy of the licence agreement in the LICENSE file with all copies of these files.
This version runs under x86 MS-DOS (or equivalent). If you're wanting a version that runs on a Z80 under CP/M - please use the updated and enhanced version derived from HI-TECH C Compiler for Z80 v3.09 from
I've extracted the library source files from the Huffman encoded .HUF archives into the cpm, float, gen, romstdio and stdio folders.
Documentation is in the manuals folder.
To install to MS-DOS, copy the files from the diskA and diskB folders (and all their subfolders - preserving the directory heirarchy) into a empty directory on the MS-DOS hard disk and run the install program.
rem Assumes files are located in C:\KITS\HITECHC
cd c:\
mkdir ins
xcopy /s c:\kits\hitechc\diska\*.* \ins
xcopy /s c:\kits\hitechc\diskb\*.* \ins
rem Mount the folder as drive I:
subst i: \ins
When prompted, specify 'i' as the drive letter containing the distribution, and choose the default path of C:\HITECH to install the files.
When done, remember to review changes to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and remove the drive substitution before re-booting.
cd c:\
subst i: /d
-- Tony Nicholson 10-May-2021