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basic group by support
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agentm committed Apr 28, 2024
1 parent dd0114e commit b1b59ff
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Showing 6 changed files with 240 additions and 37 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/bin/SQL/Interpreter/Select.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ whereP = reserved "where" *> (RestrictionExpr <$> scalarExprP)

groupByP :: Parser [GroupByExpr]
groupByP =
reserveds "group by" *> sepBy1 (Group <$> scalarExprP) comma
reserveds "group by" *> sepBy1 (GroupByExpr <$> scalarExprP) comma

havingP :: Parser HavingExpr
havingP = reserved "having" *> (Having <$> scalarExprP)
havingP = reserved "having" *> (HavingExpr <$> scalarExprP)

orderByP :: Parser [SortExpr]
orderByP =
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/ProjectM36/DataTypes/SQL/Null.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ nullAtomFunctions = HS.fromList [
Function {
funcName = "sql_max",
funcType = foldAtomFuncType (nullAtomType IntegerAtomType) (nullAtomType IntegerAtomType),
funcType = foldAtomFuncType (TypeVariableType "a") (nullAtomType IntegerAtomType),
funcBody = FunctionBuiltInBody sqlMax
] <> sqlBooleanIntegerFunctions
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/ProjectM36/Error.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -181,5 +181,8 @@ data SQLError = NotSupportedError T.Text |
UnexpectedColumnProjectionName ColumnProjectionName |
AmbiguousColumnResolutionError ColumnName |
DuplicateColumnAliasError ColumnAlias |
AggregateGroupByMismatchError ProjectionScalarExpr |
GroupByColumnNotReferencedInGroupByError [ProjectionScalarExpr] |
UnsupportedGroupByProjectionError ProjectionScalarExpr |
SQLRelationalError RelationalError
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Typeable, NFData)
202 changes: 180 additions & 22 deletions src/lib/ProjectM36/SQL/Convert.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, get, put, runStateT, evalStateT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT, throwE, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity, runIdentity)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
--import qualified Data.HashSet as HS

import Debug.Trace

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,8 +59,16 @@ evalConvertM tcontext m = runIdentity (runExceptT (evalStateT m tcontext))

data SelectItemsConvertTask = SelectItemsConvertTask { taskProjections :: S.Set ColumnProjectionName,
taskRenames :: [(ColumnProjectionName, ColumnAlias)],
taskExtenders :: [ExtendTupleExpr]
taskExtenders :: [ExtendTupleExpr],
taskGroups :: [S.Set ColumnProjectionName]
} deriving (Show, Eq)

emptyTask :: SelectItemsConvertTask
emptyTask = SelectItemsConvertTask { taskProjections = S.empty,
taskRenames = mempty,
taskGroups = mempty,
taskExtenders = mempty }

-- (real attribute name in table- immutable, (renamed "preferred" attribute name needed to disambiguate names on conflict, set of names which are used to reference the "preferred" name)
type AttributeAlias = AttributeName
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -574,6 +583,7 @@ convertSelect typeF sel = do
finalRelExpr = explicitWithF (withF (projF (convertExpr dfExpr)))
-- if we have only one table alias or the columns are all unambiguous, remove table aliasing of attributes
-- apply rename reduction- this could be applied by the static query optimizer, but we do it here to simplify the tests so that they aren't polluted with redundant renames
-- traceShowM ("final expr"::String, finalRelExpr)
pure (dfExpr { convertExpr = finalRelExpr })

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -622,8 +632,8 @@ convertSubSelect typeF sel = do

pure (applyF renamedExpr)

convertSelectItem :: TypeForRelExprF -> SelectItemsConvertTask -> (Int,SelectItem) -> ConvertM SelectItemsConvertTask
convertSelectItem typeF acc (c,selItem) =
convertSelectItem :: TypeForRelExprF -> SelectItemsConvertTask -> (Int, SelectItem) -> ConvertM SelectItemsConvertTask
convertSelectItem typeF acc (c,selItem) =
case selItem of
-- select * from x
(Identifier (ColumnProjectionName [Asterisk]), Nothing) ->
Expand All @@ -650,26 +660,38 @@ convertSelectItem typeF acc (c,selItem) =
(scalarExpr, mAlias) -> do
let attrName' (Just (ColumnAlias nam)) _ = nam
attrName' Nothing c' = "attr_" <> T.pack (show c')
atomExpr <- convertProjectionScalarExpr typeF scalarExpr
let newAttrName = attrName' mAlias c
newAttrName = attrName' mAlias c
atomExpr <- processSQLAggregateFunctions <$> convertProjectionScalarExpr typeF scalarExpr
-- we need to apply the projections after the extension!
pure $ acc { taskExtenders = AttributeExtendTupleExpr newAttrName atomExpr : taskExtenders acc,
taskProjections = S.insert (ColumnProjectionName [ProjectionName newAttrName]) (taskProjections acc)
taskProjections = S.insert (ColumnProjectionName [ProjectionName newAttrName]) (taskProjections acc)
colinfo (ColumnProjectionName [ProjectionName name]) = do
findOneColumn (ColumnName [name])
colinfo colProjName = throwSQLE $ UnexpectedColumnProjectionName colProjName
{- processGroupBy e@(sexpr, alias) = (replaceProjScalarExpr groupByReplacer sexpr, alias)
groupByReplacer expr =
case expr of
FunctionApplication "sql_max" [targetColumn] -> FunctionApplication "sql_max" [
_ -> expr-}

convertProjection :: TypeForRelExprF -> [SelectItem] -> [GroupByExpr] -> ConvertM (RelationalExpr -> RelationalExpr)
convertProjection typeF selItems groupBys = do
-- traceShowM ("convertProjection", selItems, groupBys)
let emptyTask = SelectItemsConvertTask { taskProjections = S.empty,
taskRenames = mempty,
taskExtenders = mempty }
groupInfo <- convertGroupBy typeF groupBys selItems
-- traceShowM ("convertProjection grouping"::String, groupInfo)
-- attrName' (Just (ColumnAlias nam)) _ = nam
-- attrName' Nothing c = "attr_" <> T.pack (show c)
task <- foldM (convertSelectItem typeF) emptyTask (zip [1::Int ..] selItems)
-- traceShowM ("convertProjection task"::String, task)
-- SQL supports only one grouping at a time, but multiple aggregations, so we create the group as attribute "_sql_aggregate" and the aggregations as fold projections on it
fGroup <- if not (null (nonAggregates groupInfo)) then
pure $ Group (InvertedAttributeNames
(S.fromList (map fst (nonAggregates groupInfo)))) "_sql_aggregate"
pure id
--apply projections
fProjection <- if S.null (taskProjections task) then
pure id
Expand All @@ -686,12 +708,14 @@ convertProjection typeF selItems groupBys = do
pure $ Project attrsProj
-- apply extensions
let fExtended = foldr (\ext acc -> (Extend ext) . acc) id (taskExtenders task)
-- process SQL aggregates by replacing projections
-- let fAggregates
-- apply rename
renamesSet <- foldM (\acc (qProjName, (ColumnAlias newName)) -> do
oldName <- convertColumnProjectionName qProjName
pure $ S.insert (oldName, newName) acc) S.empty (taskRenames task)
let fRenames = if S.null renamesSet then id else Rename renamesSet
pure (fProjection . fExtended . fRenames)
pure (fProjection . fExtended . fRenames . fGroup)

convertUnqualifiedColumnName :: UnqualifiedColumnName -> AttributeName
convertUnqualifiedColumnName (UnqualifiedColumnName nam) = nam
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1054,6 +1078,9 @@ lookupFunc qname =
("max", f "sql_max")

sqlAggregateFunctions :: S.Set FunctionName
sqlAggregateFunctions = S.fromList ["sql_max", "sql_min", "sql_avg"]

-- | Used in join condition detection necessary for renames to enable natural joins.
commonAttributeNames :: TypeForRelExprF -> RelationalExpr -> RelationalExpr -> ConvertM (S.Set AttributeName, S.Set AttributeName, S.Set AttributeName)
commonAttributeNames typeF rvA rvB =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1281,31 +1308,72 @@ after: Rename (fromList [("status2","status")]) (Project (AttributeNames (fromLi
-- select city,max(status) from s group by city;

convertGroupBy :: TypeForRelExprF -> [GroupByExpr] -> [SelectItem] -> ConvertM GroupByInfo
convertGroupBy typeF groupBys sqlProjection = do
convertGroupBy _typeF groupBys sqlProjection = do
--first, check that projection includes an aggregate, otherwise, there's no point
--find aggregate functions at the top-level (including within other functions such as 1+max(x)), and refocus them on the group attribute projected on the aggregate target
-- do we need an operator to apply a relexpr to a subrelation? For example, it would be useful to apply a projection across all the subrelations, and types are maintained
-- foldM convertGroupByExpr emptyGroupByInfo sqlProjection
-- each scalar expr must appear at the top-level SelectItem list
-- convertGroupByExpr acc
foldM collectGroupByInfo emptyGroupByInfo sqlProjection
collectGroupByInfo info (sexpr, _mAlias) = do
if containsAggregate sexpr then do
-- search group by exprs to find the matching sexpr- if more than one matches, error
--todo: handle asterisk
let findMatchingProjection expr@(GroupByExpr gbexpr) =
let exprMatcher (projExpr, _alias) acc =
if containsProjScalarExpr gbexpr projExpr then
projExpr : acc
case foldr exprMatcher mempty sqlProjection of
[] -> throwSQLE (AggregateGroupByMismatchError gbexpr)
[match] -> if containsAggregate match then
pure (AggGroupByItem match expr)
pure (NonAggGroupByItem match expr)
_matches -> throwSQLE (AggregateGroupByMismatchError gbexpr)
collectGroupByInfo info gbsexpr = do
-- validate that there is a corresponding group by

pure $ info { aggregates = sexpr : aggregates info }
pure $ info
matchExpr <- findMatchingProjection gbsexpr
case matchExpr of
AggGroupByItem pe _gb ->
pure $ info { aggregates = pe : aggregates info }
NonAggGroupByItem (Identifier colName) gb -> do
aname <- convertColumnProjectionName colName
pure $ info { nonAggregates = (aname, gb) : nonAggregates info }
NonAggGroupByItem pe _ -> do
throwSQLE (UnsupportedGroupByProjectionError pe)
-- find select items which are not mentioned in the group by expression and make sure that are in the aggregates info
-- collectNonGroupByInfo :: [ProjectionScalarExpr] -> GroupByInfo -> SelectItem -> ConvertM GroupByInfo
collectNonGroupByInfo info (projExpr, _alias) =
if containsAggregate projExpr then
pure (info { aggregates = projExpr : aggregates info })
pure info

groups1 <- foldM collectGroupByInfo emptyGroupByInfo groupBys
groups2 <- foldM collectNonGroupByInfo groups1 sqlProjection
{- let sqlProj = HS.fromList (map fst sqlProjection)
groupByProj = HS.fromList (aggregates groups2 <> map fst (nonAggregates groups2))
diff = HS.difference sqlProj groupByProj
if HS.null diff then-}
pure groups2
{- else
throwSQLE (GroupByColumnNotReferencedInGroupByError (HS.toList diff))-}

data GroupByItem = AggGroupByItem ProjectionScalarExpr GroupByExpr |
NonAggGroupByItem ProjectionScalarExpr GroupByExpr
deriving (Show, Eq)

data GroupByInfo =
GroupByInfo { aggregates :: [ProjectionScalarExpr]

GroupByInfo { aggregates :: [ProjectionScalarExpr], -- ^ mentioned in group by clause and uses aggregation
nonAggregates :: [(AttributeName, GroupByExpr)] -- ^ mentioned in group by clause by not aggregations
deriving (Show, Eq)

emptyGroupByInfo :: GroupByInfo
emptyGroupByInfo = GroupByInfo { aggregates = []}
emptyGroupByInfo = GroupByInfo { aggregates = [], nonAggregates = [] }

aggregateFunctions :: S.Set FuncName
aggregateFunctions = S.fromList $ map (FuncName . (:[])) ["max", "min", "sum"]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1337,3 +1405,93 @@ containsAggregate expr =
opAgg _opName = False
funcAgg fname = fname `S.member` aggregateFunctions

-- | Returns True iff a projection scalar expr within a larger expression. Used for group by aggregation validation.
containsProjScalarExpr :: ProjectionScalarExpr -> ProjectionScalarExpr -> Bool
containsProjScalarExpr needle haystack =
if needle == haystack then
case haystack of
IntegerLiteral{} -> False
DoubleLiteral{} -> False
StringLiteral{} -> False
BooleanLiteral{} -> False
NullLiteral -> False
Identifier{} -> False
BinaryOperator e1 _op e2 -> con e1 || con e2
PrefixOperator _op e1 -> con e1
PostfixOperator e1 _op -> con e1
BetweenOperator e1 e2 e3 -> con e1 || con e2 || con e3
FunctionApplication _fname args -> or (map con args)
c@CaseExpr{} -> or (cElse : concatMap (\(whens, res) -> con res : map con whens) (caseWhens c))
cElse = case caseElse c of
Just e -> con e
Nothing -> False
q@QuantifiedComparison{} -> con (qcExpr q)
InExpr _ e1 _ -> containsAggregate e1
BooleanOperatorExpr e1 _opName e2 -> con e1 || con e2
ExistsExpr{} -> False
con h = containsProjScalarExpr needle h

-- depth first replacement for scalar expr modification
replaceProjScalarExpr :: (ProjectionScalarExpr -> ProjectionScalarExpr) -> ProjectionScalarExpr -> ProjectionScalarExpr
replaceProjScalarExpr r orig =
case orig of
IntegerLiteral{} -> r orig
DoubleLiteral{} -> r orig
StringLiteral{} -> r orig
BooleanLiteral{} -> r orig
NullLiteral{} -> r orig
Identifier{} -> r orig
BinaryOperator e1 op e2 -> r (BinaryOperator (recr e1) op (recr e2))
PrefixOperator op e1 -> r (PrefixOperator op (recr e1))
PostfixOperator e1 op -> r (PostfixOperator (recr e1) op)
BetweenOperator e1 e2 e3 -> r (BetweenOperator (recr e1) (recr e2) (recr e3))
FunctionApplication fname args -> r (FunctionApplication fname (map recr args))
c@CaseExpr{} -> r (CaseExpr { caseWhens = map (\(conds, res) -> (map recr conds, recr res)) (caseWhens c),
caseElse = recr <$> caseElse c
c@QuantifiedComparison{} -> r (c{ qcExpr = recr (qcExpr c) })
InExpr flag e1 predval -> r (InExpr flag (recr e1) predval)
BooleanOperatorExpr e1 op e2 -> r (BooleanOperatorExpr (recr e1) op (recr e2))
e@ExistsExpr{} -> e
recr = replaceProjScalarExpr r

-- convert group by info into extend tasks
convertGroupByInfo :: GroupByInfo -> SelectItemsConvertTask -> SelectItemsConvertTask
convertGroupByInfo ginfo task =
task { taskExtenders = taskExtenders task <> gbyExtenders,
taskProjections = taskProjections tasks <> gbyProjections }
grouper = AttributeExtendTupleExpr "_sql_aggregate"
gbyExtenders = grouper : map mkAggregateExtender (aggregates groupInfo)
mkAggregateExtender sexpr =
replaceProjScalarExpr (\expr ->
case expr of
FunctionApplication fname [Identifier colName]
| fname == "sql_max" ->
FunctionApplication fname [ -- cannot make RelationalExpr here and we want to make a RelationValuedAttribute-based expression
gbyProjections = -- map mkAggregateProjection (aggregates groupInfo)
-- mkAggregateProjection expr =

-- find SQL aggregate functions and replace then with folds on attribute "_sql_aggregate"
processSQLAggregateFunctions :: AtomExpr -> AtomExpr
processSQLAggregateFunctions expr =
case expr of
AttributeAtomExpr{} -> expr
NakedAtomExpr{} -> expr
FunctionAtomExpr fname [AttributeAtomExpr attrName] ()
| fname `S.member` sqlAggregateFunctions ->
FunctionAtomExpr fname
[RelationAtomExpr (Project (AttributeNames (S.singleton attrName)) (RelationValuedAttribute "_sql_aggregate"))] ()
FunctionAtomExpr{} -> expr
RelationAtomExpr{} -> expr --not supported in SQL
ConstructedAtomExpr{} -> expr --not supported in SQL

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