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add support for untyped NULL, probably not complete, but tests pass
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agentm committed May 25, 2024
1 parent 7266dd5 commit 56507a7
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Showing 5 changed files with 256 additions and 41 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion project-m36.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -403,7 +403,12 @@ Test-Suite test-sql
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: SQL/InterpreterTest.hs
Other-Modules: SQL.Interpreter.Select, SQL.Interpreter.Base, TutorialD.Interpreter.Base, TutorialD.Interpreter.RelationalExpr, TutorialD.Interpreter.Types, TutorialD.Interpreter.DatabaseContextExpr, TutorialD.Interpreter.RODatabaseContextOperator, ProjectM36.Interpreter, SQL.Interpreter.CreateTable

Build-Depends: base, HUnit, Cabal, containers, hashable, unordered-containers, mtl, vector, time, bytestring, uuid, stm, deepseq, deepseq-generics, parallel, cassava, attoparsec, gnuplot, directory, temporary, haskeline, megaparsec, text, base64-bytestring, data-interval, filepath, stm-containers, list-t, project-m36, random, MonadRandom, semigroups, parser-combinators, prettyprinter, scientific, recursion-schemes

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33 changes: 32 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/ProjectM36/DataTypes/SQL/Null.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as V
import ProjectM36.AtomFunction
import ProjectM36.Tuple
import ProjectM36.Relation
import Data.Maybe (isJust)

-- analogous but not equivalent to a Maybe type due to how NULLs interact with every other value

Expand All @@ -17,7 +18,10 @@ nullAtomType arg = ConstructedAtomType "SQLNullable" (M.singleton "a" arg)
nullTypeConstructorMapping :: TypeConstructorMapping
nullTypeConstructorMapping = [(ADTypeConstructorDef "SQLNullable" ["a"],
[DataConstructorDef "SQLNull" [],
DataConstructorDef "SQLJust" [DataConstructorDefTypeVarNameArg "a"]])
DataConstructorDef "SQLJust" [DataConstructorDefTypeVarNameArg "a"]]),
-- used in SQL conversion from in expressions such as INSERT INTO s(city) VALUES (NULL) where the query expression must defer type resolution to SQLNull.
(ADTypeConstructorDef "SQLNullOfUnknownType" [],
[DataConstructorDef "SQLNullOfUnknownType" []])

nullAtomFunctions :: AtomFunctions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,6 +123,7 @@ coalesceBool _other = Left AtomFunctionTypeMismatchError
isSQLBool :: Atom -> Bool
isSQLBool atom = case atomTypeForAtom atom of
ConstructedAtomType "SQLNullable" _ -> True
ConstructedAtomType "SQLNullOfUnknownType" _ -> True
BoolAtomType -> True
_ -> False

Expand All @@ -131,6 +136,7 @@ sqlBool (ConstructedAtom dConsName aType []) |
dConsName == "SQLNull" &&
(aType == nullAtomType BoolAtomType ||
aType == nullAtomType (TypeVariableType "a")) = Nothing
sqlBool (ConstructedAtom "SQLNullOfUnknownType" _ []) = Nothing
sqlBool (BoolAtom tf) = Just tf
sqlBool x | isSQLBool x = error "internal sqlBool type error" -- should be caught above
sqlBool other = error ("sqlBool type mismatch: " <> show other)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,8 +179,22 @@ isNullOrType aType atom = atomTypeForAtom atom == nullAtomType aType || atomType

isNull :: Atom -> Bool
isNull (ConstructedAtom "SQLNull" (ConstructedAtomType "SQLNullable" _) []) = True
isNull (ConstructedAtom "SQLNullOfUnknownType" (ConstructedAtomType "SQLNullOfUnknownType" _) []) = True
isNull _ = False

isNullAtomType :: AtomType -> Bool
isNullAtomType = isJust . atomTypeFromSQLNull

atomTypeFromSQLNull :: AtomType -> Maybe AtomType
atomTypeFromSQLNull (ConstructedAtomType "SQLNullOfUnknownType" _) = Nothing
atomTypeFromSQLNull (ConstructedAtomType "SQLNullable" vars)
| M.size vars == 1 =
case M.elems vars of
[] -> Nothing
[t] -> Just t
_ts -> Nothing
atomTypeFromSQLNull _ = Nothing

sqlIntegerBinaryFunction :: AtomType -> (Integer -> Integer -> Atom) -> [Atom] -> Either AtomFunctionError Atom
sqlIntegerBinaryFunction expectedAtomType op [a,b]
| isNullOrType IntegerAtomType a && isNullOrType IntegerAtomType b = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,3 +299,14 @@ sqlIsNull :: AtomFunctionBodyType
sqlIsNull [ConstructedAtom "SQLNull" (ConstructedAtomType "SQLNullable" _) []] = pure (BoolAtom True)
sqlIsNull [_arg] = pure (BoolAtom False)
sqlIsNull _other = Left AtomFunctionTypeMismatchError

isSQLNullableType :: AtomType -> Bool
isSQLNullableType (ConstructedAtomType "SQLNullable" _) = True
isSQLNullableType _ = False

isSQLNullableSpecificType :: AtomType -> AtomType -> Bool
isSQLNullableSpecificType (ConstructedAtomType "SQLNullable" vars) expectedType | M.elems vars == [expectedType] = True
isSQLNullableSpecificType _ _ = False

isSQLNullUnknownType :: AtomType -> Bool
isSQLNullUnknownType t = t == ConstructedAtomType "SQLNullOfUnknownType" mempty
49 changes: 43 additions & 6 deletions src/lib/ProjectM36/RelationalExpression.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import Control.Exception
import GHC.Paths

import Debug.Trace
--import Debug.Trace

data DatabaseContextExprDetails = CountUpdatedTuples

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (Assign relVarName expr) = do
context <- getStateContext
let existingRelVar = M.lookup relVarName (relationVariables context)
reEnv = freshGraphRefRelationalExprEnv (Just context) graph
eNewExprType = runGraphRefRelationalExprM reEnv (typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr expr)

case existingRelVar of
Nothing -> do
case runGraphRefRelationalExprM reEnv (typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr expr) of
Expand All @@ -294,13 +294,16 @@ evalGraphRefDatabaseContextExpr (Assign relVarName expr) = do
let eExpectedType = runGraphRefRelationalExprM reEnv (typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr existingRel)
case eExpectedType of
Left err -> dbErr err
Right expectedType ->
Right expectedType -> do
-- if we are targeting an existing rv, we can morph a MakeRelationFromExprs datum to fill in missing type variables'
let hintedExpr = addTargetTypeHints (attributes expectedType) expr
eNewExprType = runGraphRefRelationalExprM reEnv (typeForGraphRefRelationalExpr hintedExpr)
case eNewExprType of
Left err -> dbErr err
Right newExprType -> do
if newExprType == expectedType then do
lift $ except $ validateAttributes (typeConstructorMapping context) (attributes newExprType)
setRelVar relVarName expr
setRelVar relVarName hintedExpr
dbErr (RelationTypeMismatchError (attributes expectedType) (attributes newExprType))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -896,7 +899,7 @@ evalGraphRefAtomExpr tupIn (IfThenAtomExpr ifExpr thenExpr elseExpr) = do
case conditional of
BoolAtom True -> evalGraphRefAtomExpr tupIn thenExpr
BoolAtom False -> evalGraphRefAtomExpr tupIn elseExpr
otherAtom -> traceShow ("evalAtom"::String, otherAtom) $ throwError (IfThenExprExpectedBooleanError (atomTypeForAtom otherAtom))
otherAtom -> throwError (IfThenExprExpectedBooleanError (atomTypeForAtom otherAtom))
evalGraphRefAtomExpr _ (ConstructedAtomExpr tOrF [] _)
| tOrF == "True" = pure (BoolAtom True)
| tOrF == "False" = pure (BoolAtom False)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1513,4 +1516,38 @@ firstAtomForAttributeName attrName tuples = do
case foldr folder Nothing tuples of
Nothing -> throwError (NoSuchAttributeNamesError (S.singleton attrName))
Just match -> pure match

-- | Optionally add type hints to resolve type variables. For example, if we are inserting into a known relvar, then we have its concrete type.
addTargetTypeHints :: Attributes -> GraphRefRelationalExpr -> GraphRefRelationalExpr
addTargetTypeHints targetAttrs expr =
case expr of
MakeRelationFromExprs Nothing tupExprs ->
MakeRelationFromExprs (Just targetAttrExprs) tupExprs
Project attrs e ->
Project attrs (hint e)
Union a b ->
Union (hint a) (hint b)
Join a b ->
Join (hint a) (hint b)
Rename rens e ->
Rename rens (hint e)
Difference a b ->
Difference (hint a) (hint b)
Group attrs gname e ->
Group attrs gname (hint e)
Ungroup gname e ->
Ungroup gname (hint e)
Restrict restriction e ->
Restrict restriction (hint e)
Equals a b ->
Equals (hint a) (hint b)
NotEquals a b ->
NotEquals (hint a) (hint b)
Extend tupExprs e ->
Extend tupExprs (hint e)
With withs e ->
With withs (hint e)
_ -> expr
targetAttrExprs = map NakedAttributeExpr (A.toList targetAttrs)
hint = addTargetTypeHints targetAttrs
123 changes: 99 additions & 24 deletions src/lib/ProjectM36/SQL/Convert.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import ProjectM36.SQL.DropTable as DropTable
import ProjectM36.RelationalExpression
import ProjectM36.DataFrame (DataFrameExpr(..), AttributeOrderExpr(..), Order(..), usesDataFrameFeatures)
import ProjectM36.AttributeNames as A
import ProjectM36.Relation (attributes)
import ProjectM36.Relation (attributes, atomTypeForName)
import qualified ProjectM36.Attribute as A
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified ProjectM36.WithNameExpr as With
Expand All @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
--import qualified Data.HashSet as HS

--import Debug.Trace
import Debug.Trace

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ convertSelect typeF sel = do
finalRelExpr = explicitWithF (withF (projF (convertExpr dfExpr)))
-- if we have only one table alias or the columns are all unambiguous, remove table aliasing of attributes
-- apply rename reduction- this could be applied by the static query optimizer, but we do it here to simplify the tests so that they aren't polluted with redundant renames
-- traceShowM ("final expr"::String, finalRelExpr)
traceShowM ("final expr"::String, finalRelExpr)
pure (dfExpr { convertExpr = finalRelExpr })

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ convertScalarExpr typeF expr = do
BooleanLiteral False -> naked (BoolAtom False)
--pure $ ConstructedAtomExpr "False" [] ()
-- we don't have enough type context with a cast, so we default to text
NullLiteral -> pure $ ConstructedAtomExpr "SQLNull" [] ()
NullLiteral -> pure $ ConstructedAtomExpr "SQLNullOfUnknownType" [] ()
Identifier i -> do
AttributeAtomExpr <$> convertColumnName i
BinaryOperator exprA op exprB -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ convertProjectionScalarExpr typeF expr = do
BooleanLiteral False ->
naked (BoolAtom False)
--pure $ ConstructedAtomExpr "False" [] ()
NullLiteral -> pure $ ConstructedAtomExpr "SQLNull" [] ()
NullLiteral -> pure $ ConstructedAtomExpr "SQLNullOfUnknownType" [] ()
Identifier i -> do
AttributeAtomExpr <$> convertColumnProjectionName i
BinaryOperator exprA op exprB -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1165,27 +1165,102 @@ convertDBUpdate typeF (UpdateDropTable dt) = convertDropTable typeF dt

convertInsert :: TypeForRelExprF -> Insert -> ConvertM DatabaseContextExpr
convertInsert typeF ins = do
dfExpr <- convertQuery typeF (source ins)
when (usesDataFrameFeatures dfExpr) $ throwSQLE (NotSupportedError "ORDER BY/LIMIT/OFFSET in subquery")
-- check that all columns are mentioned because Project:M36 does not support default columns
case typeF (convertExpr dfExpr) of
rvTarget <- convertTableName ( ins)
let eRvTargetType = typeF (RelationVariable rvTarget ())
case eRvTargetType of
Left err -> throwSQLE (SQLRelationalError err)
Right rvExprType -> do
let rvExprAttrNames = A.attributeNamesList (attributes rvExprType)
insAttrNames = map convertUnqualifiedColumnName (Insert.targetColumns ins)
rvExprColNameSet = UnqualifiedColumnName (S.fromList rvExprAttrNames)
insAttrColSet = S.fromList (Insert.targetColumns ins)
when (length rvExprAttrNames /= length insAttrNames) $ throwSQLE (ColumnNamesMismatch rvExprColNameSet insAttrColSet)
rvTarget <- convertTableName ( ins)
-- insert into s(s#,sname,city,status) select * from s; -- we need to reorder attributes to align?
-- rename attributes rexpr via query/values to map to targetCol attrs
let insExpr = if rvExprColNameSet == insAttrColSet then -- if the attributes already align, don't perform any renaming
convertExpr dfExpr
Rename (S.fromList (filter rendundantRename (zip rvExprAttrNames insAttrNames))) (convertExpr dfExpr)
rendundantRename (a,b) = a /= b
--traceShowM ("ins"::String, insExpr)
pure $ B.Insert rvTarget insExpr
Right rvTargetType -> do
-- if types do not align due to nullability, then add SQLJust
dfExpr <- convertQuery typeF (source ins)
when (usesDataFrameFeatures dfExpr) $ throwSQLE (NotSupportedError "ORDER BY/LIMIT/OFFSET in subquery")
-- traceShowM ("before dfExpr"::String, dfExpr)
case typeF (convertExpr dfExpr) of
Left err -> throwSQLE (SQLRelationalError err)
Right rvExprType -> do
-- traceShowM ("after dfExpr"::String, rvExprType)
let rvExprAttrNames = A.attributeNamesList (attributes rvExprType)
insAttrNames = map convertUnqualifiedColumnName (Insert.targetColumns ins)
rvExprColNameSet = UnqualifiedColumnName (S.fromList rvExprAttrNames)
insAttrColSet = S.fromList (Insert.targetColumns ins)
when (length rvExprAttrNames /= length insAttrNames) $ throwSQLE (ColumnNamesMismatch rvExprColNameSet insAttrColSet)

-- insert into s(s#,sname,city,status) select * from s; -- we need to reorder attributes to align?
-- rename attributes rexpr via query/values to map to targetCol attrs
let atomTypeForName' attrName type' =
case atomTypeForName attrName type' of
Left err -> throwSQLE (SQLRelationalError err)
Right targetType -> pure targetType
ren a b (Rename names expr) = Rename (S.insert (a,b) names) expr
ren a b e = Rename (S.singleton (a, b)) e
sqlPrefix s = "_sql_" <> s
projHide n = Project (InvertedAttributeNames (S.singleton n))
-- if one of the types is a nullable version of the other
-- isSQLNullableCombo t1 t2 = isSQLNullableSpecificType t1 t2 || isSQLNullableSpecificType t2 t1
sqlNullMorpher interName targetName targetType t2 expr
| isSQLNullableSpecificType targetType t2 = -- targetType is nullable version of t2
Extend (AttributeExtendTupleExpr targetName (ConstructedAtomExpr "SQLJust" [AttributeAtomExpr interName] ())) expr
| otherwise = expr

let typeMatchRenamer acc (targetAttrName, sourceAttrName) = do
targetType <- atomTypeForName' targetAttrName rvTargetType
insType <- atomTypeForName' sourceAttrName rvExprType
if targetType == insType && targetAttrName == sourceAttrName then --nothing to do
pure acc
else if targetAttrName /= sourceAttrName &&
targetType == insType then do
--simple rename
-- traceShowM ("simple rename"::String)
pure $ ren sourceAttrName targetAttrName acc
else if targetAttrName == sourceAttrName &&
targetType /= insType &&
isSQLNullableSpecificType targetType insType
then do -- we need to extend the expr, but we want to use the targetName, so we have to rename it twice
-- traceShowM ("same name, null conversion"::String)
let intermediateName = sqlPrefix targetAttrName
pure $ ren intermediateName targetAttrName (sqlNullMorpher intermediateName targetAttrName targetType insType (ren sourceAttrName intermediateName acc))
else if targetAttrName /= sourceAttrName &&
targetType /= insType &&
isSQLNullableSpecificType targetType insType then do
-- we extend the expr, but don't need an intermediate rename
-- traceShowM ("diff name, null conversion"::String)
pure $ projHide sourceAttrName (Extend (AttributeExtendTupleExpr targetAttrName (ConstructedAtomExpr "SQLJust" [AttributeAtomExpr sourceAttrName] ())) acc)
else if targetAttrName == sourceAttrName &&
isSQLNullUnknownType insType &&
isNullAtomType targetType then do
-- traceShowM ("same name, unknown null"::String)
case atomTypeFromSQLNull targetType of
Nothing -> do
pure acc
-- replace null of unknown type with typed null
Just atype -> do
pure $ Extend (AttributeExtendTupleExpr targetAttrName (NakedAtomExpr (nullAtom atype Nothing))) (projHide sourceAttrName acc)
else if targetAttrName /= sourceAttrName &&
isSQLNullUnknownType insType &&
isNullAtomType targetType then do
-- traceShowM ("different name, unknown null"::String, targetAttrName, sourceAttrName, targetType)
case atomTypeFromSQLNull targetType of
Nothing -> do
pure acc
-- replace null of unknown type with typed null
Just _atype -> do
pure $ projHide sourceAttrName $ Extend (AttributeExtendTupleExpr targetAttrName (ConstructedAtomExpr "SQLNull" [] ())) acc
pure acc

insExpr <- foldM typeMatchRenamer (convertExpr dfExpr) (zip insAttrNames rvExprAttrNames)
{- let insExpr = if rvExprColNameSet == insAttrColSet then -- if the attributes already align, don't perform any renaming
convertExpr dfExpr
Rename (S.fromList (filter rendundantRename (zip rvExprAttrNames insAttrNames))) (convertExpr dfExpr)
rendundantRename (a,b) = a /= b-}
{- traceShowM ("source ins"::String, source ins)
traceShowM ("source ins converted"::String, convertExpr dfExpr)
traceShowM ("ins converted"::String, insExpr)
traceShowM ("rvTargetType"::String, rvTargetType)-}

pure $ B.Insert rvTarget insExpr

convertDelete :: TypeForRelExprF -> Delete.Delete -> ConvertM DatabaseContextExpr
convertDelete typeF del = do
Expand Down

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