Small app to parse through Japanese subtitles and complement the kanjis with their associated furigana (pronunciation of the kanji). Got to a point where I wanted to watch movies to further my learning but had too much of a hard time with the kanjis. This tool aims to fill that gap.
This app was built with Flask & Mecab (morphological analyzer for the Japanese language)
Use virtualenvwrapper to create a Python 3 environment:
$ cd path/to/furigana-subs
$ mkvirtualenv -p python3.6 furigana-subs
(furigana-subs)$ setvirtualenvproject
To install system and the project dependencies you can run the script. This will only work on debian based systems, otherwise make sure you have these packages installed :
mecab mecab-ipadic-utf8 libmecab-dev
and run this command :
$ pip install -r requirements.txt