A plugin for Fieldmanager
Adds a Fieldmanager_MapboxGL field which renders a Mapbox GL map on which you can place multiple markers
'locations' => new Fieldmanager_MapboxGL('Geographical locations', array(
'index' => 'locations',
'accesstoken' => 'YOUR MAPBOX GL TOKEN',
// 'style' => 'YOUR CUSTOM STYLE LINK',
// 'markersymbol' => 'YOUR CUSTOM MARKER',
'center' => array(16.2917462418651, 43.4381888676707),
'zoom' => 7
- May 13th, 2016.
- bugfix: wrong field name in element html
- May 13th, 2016.
- implemented a better check for the closest marker
- May 10th, 2016.
- minor cosmetic modifications to better follow Fieldmanager standards
- May 9th, 2016.
- initial release