key | info | 说明 |
, | leader key | 前缀键 |
,ll | open nerd tree on left | 打开文件浏览器 |
,rr | open tag bar on right | 打开符号浏览器 |
// | comment/uncomment code | 注释/反注释 |
,ff | auto format code | 自动格式化 |
,sm | search most recent used file | 查找最近使用过的文件 |
,sf | search file | 查找文件 |
,gd | jump to the definition(c/c++/go) | 跳转到定义(c/c++/go) |
,fs | cscope find symbols(c/c++/go) | 查找符号(c/c++/go) |
,ft | cscope find strings(c/c++/go) | 查找字符串(c/c++/go) |
<shift-right> | cscope jump to next result | 跳转到下一结果 |
<shift-left> | cscope jump to previous result | 跳转到前一结果 |
< | open/close cscope result list | 打开/关闭查找结果列表 |
<shift-down> | jump to next error | 跳转到下一错误 |
<shift-up> | jump to previous error | 跳转到前一错误 |
> | open/close error list | 打开/关闭错误列表 |
,zi | fold/unfold all code bolcks | 整体折叠 |
,za(or blank) | fold/unfold current block | 局部折叠 |
<tab> | switch to next buffer | 切换下一缓存 |
<shift-tab> | switch to previous buffer | 切换前一缓存 |
,tt | add/update your code title | 添加/更新文件说明 |
... | ... | ... |
language(语言) | highlight(高亮) | autocomplete(补全) | syntax(查错) | snips(补全块) | jump(跳转) | todo(待改进) |
c | ★★☆ | ★★☆ | ★★ | ★★☆ | ★★ | ☆ |
cpp | ★★☆ | ★★☆ | ★★☆ | ★★☆ | ★★ | ☆ |
golang | ★★☆ | ★★☆ | ★★ | ★★☆ | ★☆ | ☆ |
javascript | ★ | ★★ | ☆ | ★★☆ | ☆ | ★★ |
html | ★ | ★ | ☆ | ★★☆ | ☆ | ★★ |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
this is a simple and powerful configuration of vim, you can diy your own vim base on it. you can share some good plugins with me.
path | DIY info | DIY说明 |
~/.vimrc | entrance configuration | 插件入口 |
~/.vim/base.vim | base configuration | 基础配置 |
~/.vim/plugin.vim | plugins configuration | 插件们的配置 |
~/.vim/func.vim | function configuration | 自定函数 |
~/.vim/key.vim | key configuration | 快捷键配置 |
~/.vim/plugged/ | plugin installed dir | 插件默认安装目录 |
~/.vim/colors/ | colorscheme installed dir | 色彩主题安装目录 |
~/.vim/snips/ | snips collected dir | snip补全收集 |
~/.vim/ycm/ | dir | ycm配置目录 |
~/.vim/dicts/ | dictionary dir | 字典目录 |
git clone
cd xvim
#install vimrc
./install vimrc
#Q&A, see wiki first