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Nimbus iOS Sample

CocoaPods Swift Package Manager

Welcome to Nimbus Sample App - ads by publishers, for publishers.

Repository Structure

This repository contains multiple sample apps.

Main Sample App

Located in the root of the repository. The main sample app consumes all Nimbus SDK packages and shows how to work with each one. It also allows you to test ad markup.

To run the main sample app, follow the steps below.

Specific Sample Apps

Located in SpecificSamples directory. Specific sample apps are designed to illustrate how to work with a single Nimbus package (e.g. NimbusAdMobKit).

Sample apps by use case:

How to clone the repository

Install Git LFS (Large File Storage)

This repository uses git LFS. Please follow the steps below to install it:

  • Open your terminal
  • Run: brew install git-lfs
  • Run: git lfs install

Clone the repository

  • Open your terminal
  • Run: git clone

How to run

  • Xcode version must be at least 13 (min. macOS Big Sur 11.3)

Swift Package Manager: nimbus-ios-sample

  • Open nimbus-ios-sample.xcodeproj
  • Select the nimbus-ios-sample target
  • Run the app
If you had CocoaPods installed previously, running pod deintegrate will prevent any possible conflicts.

CocoaPods (requires CocoaPods >= 1.10.0): nimbus-ios-sample-pods

  • From the project root run pod install --repo-update
  • Open the newly created nimbus-ios-sample.xcworkspace
  • Select the nimbus-ios-sample-pods target
  • Run the app
If you run into ambiguous for type lookup errors, remove all package dependencies from nimbus-ios-sample project.

Build Configuration: Keys.xcconfig

The Nimbus Sample App uses the Keys.xcconfig file to inject the keys and ids necessary to initialize the different components of the Nimbus SDK into the application's Info.plist file.

Required Keys

  • Nimbus Sample App has already configured a publisher and API keys for testing purposes.
  • Get your Publisher Key and Nimbus SDK API Key by contacting Nimbus Support

Optional IDs

In order to see APS/Meta/GAM/Unity examples you must also supply it's IDs

  • Locate Keys.xcconfig file in the root project directory
  • Replace the empty fields with the IDs you have

Google Ad Manager (GAM) Extra Configs

  • For GAM Ads it is also required to inform the string value of your Ad Manager app ID for the key GADApplicationIdentifier in the Sample App plist. GAM Update your Info.plist
  • The sample app is configured with a test GADApplicationIdentifier to ensure the app does not throw an exception during startup due to changes in v10 of the GoogleMobileAds SDK.
  • For testing in real devices please refer to GAM Enable test devices
Switch between GAM and AdMob

By default, if you navigate to Mediation Platforms you will see AdMob section examples.

In order to see GAM examples in the same section, you need to:

  • Open Info.plist
  • Change GADIsAdManagerApp to YES
  • Re-run the app

What you'll see

You will be able to see several examples categorized by specific sections, such as:

  • Examples of different types of Ads
  • Ads by mediation platforms (Google)
  • Ads with OM SDK viewability integration
  • Ad Markup Renderer


Are you looking to integrate Nimbus using SwiftUI? We have created a dedicated sample app specifically for SwiftUI developers. This example demonstrates best practices for integrating Nimbus in a SwiftUI environment.

Explore our SwiftUI Sample App to learn more.

Testing Ad Markup

The Test Render section of the sample app provides basic functionality for rendering ad markup using the latest version of the Nimbus SDK. The tool provides a text input field that can receive any well-formed HTML or VAST markup and will render the ad as a full screen ad.

  1. Copy the contents of the markup field, without the leading or trailing quotes, from a Nimbus response and paste it into the input field.
  2. Click the Test button. The markup will be rendered into a full screen container.

Verifying Static Ads

If the container shows a blank white screen (a potential bad ad) or further verification of functionality is required:

  1. Ensure the Sample app is running using the simulator.
  2. Open Safari and navigate to the Preferences screen from the Safari menu.
  3. Ensure the Show Develop menu in menu bar option is checked.
  4. Find the device or simulator running the Sample app in the Develop menu.
  5. Select the Sample app from the list of inspectable applications.
  6. In the Web Inspector window, select the Console tab and inspect the output for any errors.
Any errors that appear in the Web Inspector console can be ignored if the ad renders properly and there are minimal reporting discrepancies between Nimbus and the network serving the creative.

If the ad markup does not render using the test tool, first ensure that the markup pasted into the input field is valid. For example, if the markup was obtained from a server log it may contain additional formatting characters that must be removed or properly escaped prior to pasting it into the tool.

Verifying Video Ads

Errors rendering a video ad can be identified by a completely black screen with the close button appearing at the top left of the ad container.

Companion Ads

If the VAST creative contains a companion ad that does not render, check the size of the Companion Ad in the markup. The Test Render tool is set up with a 320 by 480 end card Companion Ad by default; if another size Companion Ad is defined in the VAST it will not render without rebuilding the Sample app with an additional Companion Ad definition that matches the size defined in the VAST markup.


Unable to boot device because it cannot be located on disk

If you ever see this pop-up error in Xcode, quit all your running simulators, open your terminal and erase all contents and settings of all simulators using: xcrun simctl erase all

Build failed because Application.swiftmodule is missing a required architecture

It's possible you experience this error when trying to run the sample app via cocoapods and the nimbus-ios-sample-pods scheme. It's likely caused by a corrupted CocoaPods installation. You can check whether it's the case by navigating to the project file and selecting the nimbus-ios-sample-pods target. Once you're there:

  • Click on Build Settings
  • Make sure All in the secondary top bar is checked
  • Type excluded architectures in the search bar in the top right corner
  • If there's more than one architecture, especially the one your computer runs on, it's likely the problem. E.g. you run on ARM64 (Apple Silicon) and you see arm64

How to fix it

Uninstall CocoaPods
  • List the coocapods packages: gem list --local | grep cocoapods
  • Uninstall every single one of them, e.g. sudo gem uninstall cocoapods
  • Once you uninstalled everything, delete the local cocoapods directory: rm -rf ~/.cocoapods
Install CocoaPods
  • Run sudo gem install cocoapods
Clean the nimbus-ios-sample changes
  • Navigate to nimbus-ios-sample directory
  • Run git checkout -f to purge any project changes cocoapods previously did
  • Delete the xcworkspace rm -rf nimbus-ios-sample.xcworkspace
  • Delete the Podfile.lock using rm Podfile.lock
  • Delete the Pods directory: rm -rf Pods
Re-initialize nimbus-ios-sample using cocoapods
  • Run pod install --repo-update
  • Open the nimbus-ios-sample.xcworkspace
  • Clean the build using CMD + Shift + K
  • Try to run the nimbus-ios-sample-pods scheme. Everything should work.

Need help?

You can check out Nimbus iOS Quick Start Guide


Distributed under GNU GPLv3


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