I have been using a Timeular Tracker Bluetooth Low Energy device from when it first came out a couple of years ago.
Unfortunatly a paid subscription is now required to use the device (which I only discovered when I wanted to gift one of my trackers to my brother). This code frees your tracker of the need to have a timeular.com account and paid subscription.
Don't expect a fancy frontend, the app is a Windows CLI application that searches for the first Timeluar device it can connect to. It then subscribes to the "orientation changed" event and triggers an action. As a sample application I use the free kimai.org time tracking, but the code can be easily extended to trigger any other application.
On first Start the timular.json file will be copied to the user's Documents folder.
Please edit this file and add api_host, api_key values which can be found in the user management of Kimai.
The sides array assigns Kimai project IDs and activity IDs to each side, separated by a dot "."
=> Resting in its base = index 0 and index 10
=> Side 1 = index 1 = 1.8 - example project ID 1 and activity ID 8
=> Side 2 = index 2 = 2.7 - example project ID 2 and activity ID 7
... etc.