Before you start make sure you're running PHP >= 7.1 and have Composer installed.
composer install # Install PHP dependencies
cp .env.example .env # Create .env config file
vim .env # Update database credentials
php artisan key:generate # Create application key
php artisan migrate # Run database migrations
php artisan passport:install # Create Oauth2 Tokens
If you're going to be working in Sass or Vue.js you'll also need to have Node.js installed to use Laravel Mix
npm install # Install Node.js dependencies
npm run dev # Run all mix tasks
# Run the database migrations
php artisan migrate
# Rollback all database migrations
php artisan migrate:reset
# Reset and re-run all migrations
php artisan migrate:refresh
# Recreate Oauth2 Tokens if you've wiped out the tables
php artisan passport:install
Once you have pivot up and running, visit in a web browser to view dynamic Swagger REST API documentation.