Requires Vim 7.3 or greater
Adio is a dark colorscheme for Vim made only for terminals suporting 256 colors. Syntax highlighting is based on Monokai colorscheme.
The colorscheme is 1/3 part of Adio theme, a theme for terminals, tmux and Vim.
You can easily install it using a plugin manager like Vundle or Pathogen.
For example, if you have Vundle installed, you just declare the bundle you wish
to install in your .vimrc
Bundle 'adrianolaru/vim-adio'
and then open Vim and run :BundleInstall
To make the Vertical Split Character look like a line, make sure you add this to your .vimrc
set encoding=utf-8
set fillchars=vert:\│
To enable the current line number highlighting, set the cursorline and number.
set number
set cursorline