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sprsquish edited this page Aug 12, 2010 · 1 revision

This is the simplest way to use Blather. It lets you build a client or component bot very quickly.

It does this by including the DSL directly in the Kernel object. As well as providing a basic set of command line options including daemonization.

Run with examples/echo.rb [options] user@server/resource password [host] [port]
    -D, --debug                      Run in debug mode (you will see all XMPP communication)
    -d, --daemonize                  Daemonize the process
        --pid=[PID]                  Write the PID to this file
        --log=[LOG]                  Write to the [LOG] file instead of stdout/stderr
    -h, --help                       Show this message
    -v, --version                    Show version

The JID and password can still be set within the script:

setup [jid], [password]
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