In addition to the requirements for D3 as it stands, we would like to add in these requirements:
11.) Have a fourth text box that is labeled “Background Color” with a button below labeled “Change Color”
12.) When the “Change Color” button is pressed, it will take the color entered in the textbox and set the color attribute to that color
13.) Any invalid color that cannot be interpreted as an attribute will default to the background color of light blue
14.) There will be a fifth text bow labeled “Enter Cat Color” with a button below labeled “Show me the cat”
15.) When “Show me the cat” is pressed, it will take the color entered and show a picture of a cat of that color
16.) These pictures will be hard-coded in and the only colors available will be: black, white, grey, and orange
17.) Any invalid cat color will show an image saying “Error 444, Cat Not Found”
Along with these new requirements, we will need to add more Katalon tests. Instead of having 16 Katalon tests for the original 10 requirements, we propose to have 24 Katalon tests for the now 17 requirements.