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Remove deprecated formatted rules
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amanmahajan7 committed Jul 23, 2024
1 parent f8097cb commit 779b609
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 69 deletions.
69 changes: 0 additions & 69 deletions eslint.config.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ export default [
'no-bitwise': 0,
'no-caller': 1,
'no-case-declarations': 1,
'no-confusing-arrow': 0,
'no-console': 1,
'no-continue': 0,
'no-delete-var': 1,
Expand All @@ -171,8 +170,6 @@ export default [
'no-extra-bind': 1,
'no-extra-boolean-cast': [1, { enforceForLogicalOperands: true }],
'no-extra-label': 1,
'no-extra-semi': 0, // replaced by @typescript-eslint/no-extra-semi
'no-floating-decimal': 1,
'no-global-assign': 1,
'no-implicit-coercion': 0,
'no-implicit-globals': 0,
Expand All @@ -186,7 +183,6 @@ export default [
'no-lonely-if': 1,
'no-loop-func': 0, // replaced by @typescript-eslint/no-loop-func
'no-magic-numbers': 0, // replaced by @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers
'no-mixed-operators': 0,
'no-multi-assign': 0,
'no-multi-str': 1,
'no-negated-condition': 0,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,7 +238,6 @@ export default [
'no-with': 1,
'object-shorthand': [1, 'always', { avoidExplicitReturnArrows: true }],
'one-var': [1, 'never'],
'one-var-declaration-per-line': 0,
'operator-assignment': 1,
'prefer-arrow-callback': [1, { allowNamedFunctions: true }],
'prefer-const': [1, { destructuring: 'all' }],
Expand All @@ -257,84 +252,20 @@ export default [
'prefer-rest-params': 1,
'prefer-spread': 1,
'prefer-template': 1,
'quote-props': [1, 'as-needed'],
radix: 1,
'require-await': 0, // replaced by @typescript-eslint/require-await
'require-unicode-regexp': 0,
'require-yield': 1,
'sort-imports': 0,
'sort-keys': 0,
'sort-vars': 0,
'spaced-comment': 0,
strict: 1,
'symbol-description': 1,
'vars-on-top': 0,
yoda: 0,

// Layout & Formatting
'array-bracket-newline': 0,
'array-bracket-spacing': 0,
'array-element-newline': 0,
'arrow-parens': 0,
'arrow-spacing': 0,
'block-spacing': 0,
'brace-style': 0,
'comma-dangle': 0,
'comma-spacing': 0,
'comma-style': 0,
'computed-property-spacing': 0,
'dot-location': 0,
'eol-last': 0,
'func-call-spacing': 0,
'function-call-argument-newline': 0,
'function-paren-newline': 0,
'generator-star-spacing': 0,
'implicit-arrow-linebreak': 0,
indent: 0,
'jsx-quotes': 0,
'key-spacing': 0,
'keyword-spacing': 0,
'line-comment-position': 0,
'linebreak-style': 0,
'lines-around-comment': 0,
'lines-between-class-members': 0,
'max-len': 0,
'max-statements-per-line': 0,
'multiline-ternary': 0,
'new-parens': 0,
'newline-per-chained-call': 0,
'no-extra-parens': 0,
'no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs': 0,
'no-multi-spaces': 0,
'no-multiple-empty-lines': 0,
'no-tabs': 0,
'no-trailing-spaces': 0,
'no-whitespace-before-property': 0,
'nonblock-statement-body-position': 0,
'object-curly-newline': 0,
'object-curly-spacing': 0,
'object-property-newline': 0,
'operator-linebreak': 0,
'padded-blocks': 0,
'padding-line-between-statements': 0,
quotes: 0,
'rest-spread-spacing': 0,
semi: 0,
'semi-spacing': 0,
'semi-style': 0,
'space-before-blocks': 0,
'space-before-function-paren': 0,
'space-in-parens': 0,
'space-infix-ops': 0,
'space-unary-ops': 0,
'switch-colon-spacing': 0,
'template-curly-spacing': 0,
'template-tag-spacing': 0,
'unicode-bom': 1,
'wrap-iife': 0,
'wrap-regex': 0,
'yield-star-spacing': 0,

// React rules
Expand Down

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