Schedule looped playback of Web Audio notes at 96 ticks per beat
Based on ditty and bopper. Named after one of the greatest to ever touch a drum machine.
$ npm install --save dilla
var Dilla = require('dilla');
var audioContext = new AudioContext();
var dilla = new Dilla(audioContext, options);
"tempo": 120,
"beatsPerBar": 4,
"loopLength": 2
Note that loopLength
is measured in bars, i.e. the default loop length above is 8 beats.
The "hello world" of audio libraries, the simple metronome: check out the demo or code.
var high = {
'position': '*.1.01',
'freq': 440,
'duration': 15
var low = { 'freq': 330, 'duration': 15 };
dilla.set('metronome', [
['*.>1.01', low]
var oscillator, gainNode;
dilla.on('step', function (step) {
if (step.event === 'start') {
oscillator = step.context.createOscillator();
gainNode = step.context.createGain();
oscillator.frequency.value = step.args.freq;
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(1, step.time);
else if (step.event === 'stop' && oscillator) {
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(1, step.time);
gainNode.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0, step.time + 0.1);
oscillator.stop(step.time + 0.1);
oscillator = null;
gainNode = null;
- dilla.start() start playback at current position
- dilla.pause() stop playback at current position
- dilla.stop() stop playback and set position to start of loop
- dilla.set(id, notes) schedule playback of array of notes on channel with id, clearing any previously scheduled notes on same channel. A note can be defined as a note object (must contain position) or an array with position at index 0 and params in an object at index 1 (see metronome example above)
- dilla.get(id) returns an array of notes scheduled on channel with id
- dilla.channels() returns an array of all channel ids
- dilla.clear(id) clear notes for channel
- dilla.clear() clear notes for all channels
- dilla.position returns current position string,
- dilla.setPosition(position) set position to
- dilla.setTempo(bpm) set playback tempo, default
- dilla.setBeatsPerBar(beats) change playback time signature, default
- dilla.setLoopLength(bars) change bars per loop, default
- A string in the format
- Where each part is a (1-based index) number
- Tick values under 10 are padded with a leading zero
- Can contain expressions which are expanded by
- An object that must define
- Can define
in ticks (optional) or any other other params, like frequency or playback rate
Fires when the bar, beat or tick value of dilla.position()
is updated.
dilla.on('tick', function (tick) {
console.log(tick.position) // "1.1.01"
Fires when a scheduled note should start or stop. For notes with undefined or falsy duration value (i.e. oneshots), no stop step event is triggered.
dilla.on('step', function (step) {
console.log(step.event); // "start" or "stop"
console.log(step.time); // offset in seconds
console.log(step.args); // note data originally passed to set()
make test
make coverage
make publish
- 0.1.0
- Initial release, ported from bap project
- 1.0.0
- Improved release for metronome example oscillator
- Warn in console when events provided to
is out of bounds
- 1.0.1
- 1.0.2
- 1.1.0
- NEW: Use expressions to insert repeating events #2
- FIXED: "Out of bounds" warning does not say which channel #6
- 1.1.1
- FIXED: Ambiguous use of the word "event" #8
- 1.2.0
- CHANGED: Note passed to
can be an array with position at index 0, or a note object, and will be merged into a note object - NEW: Added lots of unit tests
- CHANGED: Note passed to
- 1.3.0
- NEW: Modulus operator expression
- NEW: Add custom matcher with
- 1.3.1
- FIXED: Minifying dilla function names breaks everything
- 1.3.2
- 1.3.3
- DOCS: Added link to expressions tutorial
- CHANGED: Improved code complexity and test coverage
- 1.3.4
- DOCS: Fix typos
- 1.3.5
- FIXED: Updated dilla-expressions to solve modulus by 1 issue
- 1.4.0
- ADDED: Define
to transform note after expression expansion - CHANGED: Use local version of Ditty with longer lookahead
- CHANGED: Use dilla-expressions v1.2, with greater than and less than operators
- ADDED: Define
- 1.5.0
- CHANGED: Use dilla-expressions v2.0, with 25-1500 times better performance
- FIXED: Use prefixed AudioContext in Safari
- 1.6.0
- CHANGED: Reduce intensity of keepalive pings to improve CPU performance
- CHANGED: Memoize expensive methods
- 1.7.0
- CHANGED: Use forked version of Bopper, with less object creation
- 1.8.0
- CHANGED: Memoize inner part of set method, for better performance and less allocation
- CHANGED: Use meeemo 1.1.1, which uses Map instead of plain object when possible
- CHANGED: Refactor ditty to avoid deoptimization of inner loop bodies
- 1.8.1
- FIXED: Drops notes when
is above 9 #22
- FIXED: Drops notes when
- 1.8.2
- FIXED: Changing beats per bar leads to confusion in the order of the steps #23
- 1.8.3
- FIXED: Correct memoization key for dilla.getClockPositionFromPosition #23
- 1.8.4 (2017-12-14)
- FIXED: setBeatsPerBar not working #26
MIT © Adam Renklint