The go-slackbot project hopes to ease development of Slack bots by adding helpful methods and a mux-router style interface to the package.
Incoming Slack RTM events are mapped to a handler in the following form:
bot.Hear("(?i)how are you(.*)").MessageHandler(HowAreYouHandler)
In addition to several useful functions in the utils.go file, the slackbot.Bot struct provides handy Reply and ReplyWithAttachments methods:
func HowAreYouHandler(ctx context.Context, bot *slackbot.Bot, evt *slack.MessageEvent) {
bot.Reply(evt, "A bit tired. You get it? A bit?", slackbot.WithTyping)
func HowAreYouAttachmentsHandler(ctx context.Context, bot *slackbot.Bot, evt *slack.MessageEvent) {
txt := "Beep Beep Boop is a ridiculously simple hosting platform for your Slackbots."
attachment := slack.Attachment{
Pretext: "We bring bots to life. :sunglasses: :thumbsup:",
Title: "Host, deploy and share your bot in seconds.",
TitleLink: "",
Text: txt,
Fallback: txt,
ImageURL: "",
Color: "#7CD197",
attachments := []slack.Attachment{attachment}
bot.ReplyWithAttachments(evt, attachments, slackbot.WithTyping)
But wait, there's more! Well, until there's more, the slackbot package exposes RTM and Client objects enabling a consumer to interact with the lower level package directly:
func HowAreYouHandler(ctx context.Context, bot *slackbot.Bot, evt *slack.MessageEvent) {
bot.RTM.NewOutgoingMessage("Hello", "#random")
If you want to kick the tires, we would love feedback. Check out these two examples: