This is my key-val store on a blob store. There are many like it, but this one is mine. Don't expect much, I'm just having a bit of fun and learning how to use Claude and Copilot more effectively. Use something like SlateDB if you need this for real.
$ git clone
$ cd blobby
$ bin/
$ bin/
Set connection vars:
$ export MONGO_URL="mongodb+srv://user:pass@localhost:27017"
$ export S3_BUCKET="bucket-whatever"
Initialize the datastore(s):
$ ./blobby init
Write some stuff to the memtable:
$ ./blobby put << EOF
{"_id": 1, "name": "pikachu"}
{"_id": 2, "name": "bulbasaur"}
{"_id": 3, "name": "charmander"}
{"_id": 4, "name": "squirtle"}
Wrote 4 documents to mongodb://localhost:27017/db-whatever/blue
Flush the memtable to the blob store:
$ ./blobby flush
Flushed 3 documents to: s3://bucket-whatever/L1/1736476581.sstable
Active memtable is now: mongodb://localhost:27017/db-whatever/green
Read a document:
$ ./blobby get 2
Got 1 document from s3://bucket-whatever/L1/1736476581.sstable
{"_id": 2, "name": "bulbasaur"}
Write a new version of that document:
$ echo '{"_id": 2, "name": "bulbasaur", "trainer": "ash"}' | ./blobby put
Wrote 1 document to mongodb://localhost:27017/db-whatever/green
Read it again:
$ ./blobby get 2
Got 1 document from mongodb://localhost:27017/db-whatever/green
{"_id": 2, "name": "bulbasaur", "trainer": "ash"}
Compact all sstables into one:
$ ./blobby compact
Compaction 1:
Input files: 4
Output files: 1
Output 1: s3://bucket-whatever/1736478581.sstable (16 records, 2048 bytes)
Compact sstables together until they reach 1MB:
$ ./blobby compact --order smallest-first --min-files 8 --max-size 1048576
Compaction 1:
Input files: 8
Output files: 1
Output 1: s3://bucket-whatever/1736478582.sstable (128 records, 524288 bytes)